
रॉयल एनफील्ड बाइक

रॉयल एनफील्ड बाइक की कीमत ₹1.50 लाख से शुरू होती है, जो सबसे किफायती मॉडल है। यह मॉडल रॉयल एनफील्ड हंटर 350 है। सबसे महंगे मॉडल, जो कि रॉयल एनफील्ड सुपर मीटर 650 है, की कीमत ₹3.61 लाख से शुरू होती है।

रॉयल एनफील्ड भारत में 14 बाइक मॉडल पेश करता है, जिनमें 6 बाइक Cruiser श्रेणी में, 1 बाइक Roadster श्रेणी में, 3 बाइक CafeRacer श्रेणी में, 2 बाइक Adventure श्रेणी में, 1 बाइक Tourer श्रेणी में, 2 बाइक Scrambler श्रेणी में शामिल हैं।

रॉयल एनफील्ड की भारत में 6 आने वाली बाइक्स हैं, जो हैं रॉयल एनफील्ड क्लासिक 650, रॉयल एनफील्ड स्क्रैम्ब्लर 650, रॉयल एनफील्ड हिमालयन 650, रॉयल एनफील्ड बुलेट 650, रॉयल एनफ़ील्ड रोडस्टर 450, रॉयल एनफील्ड शॉटगन 350

रॉयल एनफील्ड बाइक प्राइस लिस्ट (मार्च 2025) भारत में

रॉयल एनफील्ड बाइक की कीमत ₹1.50 लाख से शुरू होती है और ₹3.61 लाख (एक्स-शोरूम) तक जाती है। रॉयल एनफील्ड की टॉप 5 लोकप्रिय बाइक्स की कीमतें इस प्रकार हैं: रॉयल एनफील्ड क्लासिक 350 की कीमत ₹1.93 लाख है, रॉयल एनफील्ड हंटर 350 की कीमत ₹1.50 लाख है, रॉयल एनफील्ड 2023 बुलेट 350 की कीमत ₹1.74 लाख है, रॉयल एनफील्ड मीटर 350 की कीमत ₹2.05 लाख है, रॉयल एनफील्ड गुरिल्ला 450 की कीमत ₹2.39 लाख है।

रॉयल एनफील्ड क्लासिक 350₹1.93 लाख
रॉयल एनफील्ड हंटर 350₹1.50 लाख
रॉयल एनफील्ड 2023 बुलेट 350₹1.74 लाख
रॉयल एनफील्ड मीटर 350₹2.05 लाख
रॉयल एनफील्ड गुरिल्ला 450₹2.39 लाख
रॉयल एनफील्ड सुपर मीटर 650₹3.61 लाख
रॉयल एनफील्ड शॉटगन 650₹3.59 लाख
रॉयल एनफील्ड इंटरसेप्टर 650₹3.03 लाख
रॉयल एनफील्ड कॉन्टिनेंटल जीटी 650₹3.19 लाख
रॉयल एनफील्ड स्क्रैम 411₹2.06 लाख

रॉयल एनफील्ड बाइक मॉडल


रॉयल एनफील्ड आने वाली बाइक

रॉयल एनफील्ड क्लासिक 650 bikes
रॉयल एनफील्ड क्लासिक 650

647 cc·


₹ 3.40 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Mar 30, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
रॉयल एनफील्ड स्क्रैम्ब्लर 650 bikes
रॉयल एनफील्ड स्क्रैम्ब्लर 650

648 cc·


₹ 3.50 Lakh (अपेक्षित)
May 12, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
रॉयल एनफील्ड हिमालयन 650 bikes
रॉयल एनफील्ड हिमालयन 650

650 cc

₹ 4.00 Lakh (अपेक्षित)
Sep 28, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
रॉयल एनफील्ड बुलेट 650 bikes
रॉयल एनफील्ड बुलेट 650

650 cc·


₹ 3 Lakh (अपेक्षित)
Oct 26, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
रॉयल एनफ़ील्ड रोडस्टर 450 bikes
रॉयल एनफ़ील्ड रोडस्टर 450

450 cc

₹ 2.40 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Nov 25, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
रॉयल एनफील्ड शॉटगन 350 bikes
रॉयल एनफील्ड शॉटगन 350

350 cc

₹ 2.20 Lakh (अपेक्षित)
Nov 28, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
सभी आगामी बाइकें

रॉयल एनफील्ड बाइक अपडेट

रॉयल एनफील्ड शॉटगन 650 आइकन संस्करण का अनावरण: दुनिया भर में 100 इकाइयों तक सीमित news
रॉयल एनफील्ड शॉटगन 650 आइकन संस्करण का अनावरण: दुनिया भर में 100 इकाइयों तक सीमित
और पढ़ें...
रॉयल एनफील्ड स्क्रैम 440 लॉन्च: एडवेंचर के लिए बड़ा, बेहतर और तैयार news
रॉयल एनफील्ड स्क्रैम 440 लॉन्च: एडवेंचर के लिए बड़ा, बेहतर और तैयार
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रॉयल एनफील्ड गुरिल्ला 450 स्पेसिफिकेशन लीक: टायर साइज और स्पेसिफिकेशन के बारे में जानें news
रॉयल एनफील्ड गुरिल्ला 450 स्पेसिफिकेशन लीक: टायर साइज और स्पेसिफिकेशन के बारे में जानें
Shagun Kaushik
Royal Enfield Guerrilla 450 स्पेक्स लॉन्च से पहले लीक हुए, जिससे टायर का आकार, आयाम और इंजन विवरण सामने आए।
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Royal Enfield Guerrilla की पहली झलक का अनावरण; 17 जुलाई के लिए दुनिया भर में लॉन्च सेट news
Royal Enfield Guerrilla की पहली झलक का अनावरण; 17 जुलाई के लिए दुनिया भर में लॉन्च सेट
Shagun Kaushik
Royal Enfield Guerrilla 450 का टीज़र जारी: शेरपा इंजन वाला नया रोडस्टर 17 जुलाई को लॉन्च होगा।
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Royal Enfield Classic 350 Bobber Sneak Peek नई तस्वीर में news
Royal Enfield Classic 350 Bobber Sneak Peek नई तस्वीर में
Royal Enfield एक लीक पेटेंट इमेज के माध्यम से आगामी Classic 350 Bobber की झलक के साथ उत्साही लोगों को चिढ़ाता है। डुअल-सीटिंग, विशिष्ट डिज़ाइन, अपरिवर्तित पावरट्रेन, फ़ीचर-रिच स्पेक्स और प्रीमियम प्राइस पोजिशनिंग की अपेक्षा करें।
और पढ़ें...
रॉयल एनफील्ड जल्द ही फेसलिफ्टेड क्लासिक 350 और क्लासिक 650 का अनावरण करेगी news
रॉयल एनफील्ड जल्द ही फेसलिफ्टेड क्लासिक 350 और क्लासिक 650 का अनावरण करेगी
Royal Enfield फेसलिफ़्टेड Classic 350 और Classic 650 का अनावरण करने के लिए तैयार है, जिससे मोटरसाइकिल बाजार में अपना दबदबा और तेज हो जाएगा। अपडेट में बेहतर फीचर्स और बेहतर राइडिंग अनुभव का वादा किया गया है।
और पढ़ें...
सभी समाचार

About Royal Enfield Bikes

Royal Enfield's story began in 1891 when George Townsend & Co. in Redditch, England, started manufacturing bicycles. The company was renamed the Enfield Manufacturing Company Ltd. in 1893, inspired by the town of Enfield, where its factory was located. Adopting the slogan "Made Like a Gun," the brand emphasized strength and reliability. In 1898, Enfield began experimenting with motorized vehicles, producing quadricycles powered by a small De Dion-Bouton engine.

The first Royal Enfield motorcycle debuted in 1901, featuring a 1.5-horsepower engine mounted in a bicycle frame. This made Royal Enfield one of the oldest motorcycle manufacturers still in production today.

1900s–1920s: Early Innovation and Wartime Contributions

The early 20th century saw Royal Enfield introducing innovative motorcycles to cater to a growing market. The company experimented with V-twin engines and sidecar combinations. The Royal Enfield Model 180 became popular for its reliability.

During World War I, Royal Enfield supplied motorcycles to the British armed forces. Models like the Model 6 HP equipped with sidecars and Vickers machine guns showcased the brand’s versatility and ruggedness.

Post-war, Royal Enfield focused on civilian models, launching the Model 500 Twin and 350cc motorcycles. These bikes gained popularity in both domestic and international markets.

1930s: The Golden Age of British Motorcycling

In the 1930s, Royal Enfield became a significant player in the British motorcycle industry. Models like the Bullet, introduced in 1932, featured advanced engineering for the time, including a four-valve engine. The Bullet would later become synonymous with the Royal Enfield brand.
During this period, the company also ventured into lightweight motorcycles, producing bikes with engines ranging from 125cc to 500cc. These were aimed at both commuters and enthusiasts.

1940s: World War II and the Flying Flea

World War II brought another wave of military contracts for Royal Enfield. The company produced rugged motorcycles for the Allied forces, including the legendary Flying Flea (RE/WD 125). This lightweight two-stroke bike was designed to be dropped behind enemy lines via parachute and used by airborne troops.

After the war, Royal Enfield resumed civilian production and introduced new models to meet the demands of returning soldiers and the growing global market.

1950s: Entry into India and the Rise of the Bullet

The 1950s marked a turning point for Royal Enfield with its entry into the Indian market. The Indian government sought sturdy motorcycles for the army and police, leading to the import of the Bullet 350. The bike’s rugged design and performance in tough terrains made it a favorite among Indian authorities.

In 1955, Royal Enfield partnered with Madras Motors to establish Enfield India. Initially, the company imported parts for local assembly, but full-scale production of the Bullet 350 began in India by 1957.

In the UK, Royal Enfield introduced models like the Meteor and Constellation, which catered to the growing demand for high-performance motorcycles.

1960s: Global Expansion and Challenges

The 1960s saw Royal Enfield expand globally, exporting motorcycles to the US, Europe, and Australia. The Interceptor 700, launched in 1962, was a powerful twin-cylinder motorcycle designed for the American market. It gained a cult following for its performance and styling.

However, the rise of Japanese motorcycle manufacturers like Honda and Yamaha posed a significant challenge. Their advanced technology, reliability, and affordability began to overshadow British manufacturers.

In 1967, Royal Enfield ceased operations in the UK due to financial difficulties. However, Enfield India continued production, keeping the brand alive.

1970s–1980s: Survival in India

While Royal Enfield’s global presence waned, the Indian subsidiary thrived. The Bullet 350 became deeply ingrained in Indian culture, symbolizing ruggedness and reliability. Enfield India introduced minor upgrades to keep the model relevant, but the brand largely retained its classic appeal.

In 1977, Enfield India began exporting the Bullet to Europe and the US, rekindling interest among enthusiasts who admired its retro charm.

1990s: Acquisition by Eicher Motors

The 1990s brought a revival for Royal Enfield. In 1994, the Indian tractor and automotive manufacturer Eicher Motors acquired Enfield India. Under Eicher's leadership, Royal Enfield began modernizing its production facilities and improving the quality and reliability of its motorcycles.

The company also focused on branding, capitalizing on the Bullet’s vintage appeal to attract a new generation of riders. By the late 1990s, Royal Enfield had started gaining traction in international markets as a niche brand offering classic motorcycles.

2000s: The Global Comeback

The early 2000s marked a period of transformation for Royal Enfield. The introduction of the UCE (Unit Construction Engine) in 2008 modernized the Bullet lineup while retaining its classic aesthetics. This engine met modern emission norms and improved performance and fuel efficiency.

Royal Enfield also expanded its product lineup, introducing models like the Classic 350 and Classic 500. These bikes combined vintage styling with modern engineering, appealing to a global audience.

2010s: Rebuilding the Brand

Under the leadership of Siddhartha Lal, Royal Enfield underwent a major resurgence. The company opened state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Oragadam and Vallam Vadagal, India, to meet growing demand.

The introduction of new models like the Himalayan (2016) and Interceptor 650 (2018) marked a shift toward adventure and performance-oriented motorcycles. The Himalayan became a popular choice among adventure enthusiasts, while the Interceptor 650 and Continental GT 650 gained acclaim for their performance, retro design, and affordability.

Royal Enfield also invested in global R&D centers, including one in the UK, to develop cutting-edge technology while preserving the brand’s heritage.

2020s: Electric Mobility and Modernisation

In the 2020s, Royal Enfield continues to dominate the mid-size motorcycle segment globally. The company launched new models like the Meteor 350 and the next-generation Classic 350, featuring the J-series engine platform, which offers smoother performance and modern technology.

Royal Enfield has also announced its plans to enter the electric motorcycle segment, aiming to combine sustainability with its iconic design language. Prototypes of electric models have already been teased, signaling the brand's commitment to innovation.

Racing and Cultural Impact

Royal Enfield's association with endurance racing and long-distance travel has further enhanced its legacy. Events like the Himalayan Odyssey and One Ride celebrate the spirit of motorcycling, fostering a global community of Royal Enfield enthusiasts.

Legacy and Global Appeal

Today, Royal Enfield is a symbol of timeless design, adventure, and individuality. With a presence in over 60 countries and a strong foothold in both traditional and emerging markets, the brand continues to inspire riders worldwide. Its ability to blend heritage with modernity ensures its place as one of the most iconic motorcycle manufacturers in history.

USP: The Royal Enfield Experience

Royal Enfield’s USP lies in its blend of heritage, simplicity, and versatility, catering to both urban riders and off-road adventurers. Its core USPs include:

Heritage and Legacy: With over 120 years of history, Royal Enfield is a name steeped in tradition. Iconic models like the Bullet have earned legendary status worldwide.

Classic Design with Modern Engineering: The motorcycles retain vintage aesthetics like teardrop tanks and round headlights while incorporating modern features like EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection) and ABS.

Unmatched Ride Experience: Known for their characteristic "thump" sound, Royal Enfield bikes deliver a relaxed, low-revving riding experience ideal for highways and off-road adventures alike.

Wide Product Range: From the classic Bullet 350 to the rugged Himalayan and the retro-modern Interceptor 650, Royal Enfield offers motorcycles that cater to a variety of riding styles and terrains.

Community and Riding Culture: The brand fosters a global community through events like the Himalayan Odyssey, Rider Mania, and other group rides, making ownership a lifestyle choice rather than just a purchase.

Royal Enfield Latest Updates

  • Royal Enfield experienced a significant boost in sales during the festive season, dispatching 1 lakh units in October 2024. This resurgence followed a period of decline from May to August, with the festive demand driving a 26% increase in retail volumes.
  • Royal Enfield confirmed the global debut of its first electric bike on November 4, 2024. The new electric model is expected to feature a retro roadster design, blending classic aesthetics with modern electric technology.
  • Royal Enfield saw robust growth in rural markets during October 2024, with rural areas contributing about one-third of the brand's domestic volume. This growth highlights the brand's strong presence and appeal in both urban and rural regions

Royal Enfield Bike Series

Royal Enfield offers a diverse lineup of motorcycles catering to various riding preferences and styles. Here are the key models currently available in India:

  • Classic 350
  • Hunter 350
  • Himalayan 450
  • Meteor 350
  • Bullet 350

Royal Enfield Bike Price Range (ex-showroom)

Racing and Cultural Impact

Royal Enfield's association with endurance racing and long-distance travel has further enhanced its legacy. Events like the Himalayan Odyssey and One Ride celebrate the spirit of motorcycling, fostering a global community of Royal Enfield enthusiasts.

Royal Enfield Dealers

Royal Enfield has approximately 1,921 dealerships in 756 cities across India. This extensive network ensures that Royal Enfield motorcycles are accessible to a wide range of customers throughout the country.

Locate the nearest dealer using the official dealer locator tool: Royal Enfield Dealer Locator

Service Centres

Royal Enfield’s widespread service network ensures that its motorcycles are well-maintained, no matter where the journey takes its riders. The company emphasizes quality service through its 900+ authorized service centers in India.

The brand’s official website offers a locator tool to find the nearest service center: Royal Enfield Service Centre.

Royal Enfield Toll-Free Number



Classic 350


Hunter 350


Himalayan 450


Meteor 350


Bullet 350


Scram 411


Continental GT 650


  • For Roadside Assistance (RSA): 1800 2100 007
  • For Customer Support: 1800 2100 008

How to get a Bike Loan in India

Check your eligibility, which typically includes being at least 21 years old with a stable income and a good credit score. Compare loan offers from various banks and NBFCs to find competitive interest rates and favorable terms. Use an EMI calculator to estimate your monthly payments. You can apply for the loan online through the lender's website or in person at a branch. Submit the required documents, such as identity proof, address proof, income proof, and a bike quotation from the dealer. If you have a good relationship with your bank, you might also be eligible for pre-approved loans with quicker disbursement.

Why choose CarBike360?

CarBike360 is a reliable resource for investigating, contrasting, and buying automobiles, including bicycles. It provides the most recent information about bike costs and availability in India, together with comprehensive specifications, reviews, and an intuitive user experience. You can check pricing in real time, get professional advice, and make well-informed selections with CarBike360.

लोकप्रिय रॉयल एनफील्ड बाइक तुलनाएँ

तुलना स्वयं करें

अपने शहर में रॉयल एनफील्ड बाइक डीलर खोजें

रॉयल एनफील्ड बाइक वीडियो

सभी वीडियो

रॉयल एनफील्ड बाइक की मुख्य विशेषताएं

ईंधन प्रकारPetrol
सबसे महंगीरॉयल एनफील्ड सुपर मीटर 650
सबसे सस्तीरॉयल एनफील्ड हंटर 350
आने वाले मॉडलरॉयल एनफील्ड क्लासिक 650, रॉयल एनफील्ड स्क्रैम्ब्लर 650, रॉयल एनफील्ड हिमालयन 650, रॉयल एनफील्ड बुलेट 650, रॉयल एनफ़ील्ड रोडस्टर 450, रॉयल एनफील्ड शॉटगन 350
शोरूम की संख्या817
सर्विस सेंटर्स की संख्या297

रॉयल एनफील्ड बाइक उपयोगकर्ता समीक्षा

Royal Enfield Himalayan 450
Review On
Royal Enfield Himalayan 450


The Royal Enfield Himalayan offers a balance of comfort, power, and durability. Its engine is powerful enough for city commutes and challenging trails, while the comfortable seating ensures long rides are stress-free. The suspension setup and dual-purpose tires make it a versatile performer, excelling on highways and off-road. Its mileage of 30-32 kmpl is reasonable, adding to its practicality. Although slightly heavy, the bike's stability and robust build make it a trusted companion. Whether you’re exploring rugged terrains or enjoying weekend trips, the Himalayan caters to every adventure​
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Arjun Kapoor
Royal Enfield Continental GT 650
Review On
Royal Enfield Continental GT 650


Classic Café Racer with Power
The Royal Enfield Continental GT 650 is a powerful café racer with a retro charm. After 8,000 km, I’m highly impressed by its performance and engine refinement. The bike delivers a mileage of 25 km/l, which is decent for a 650cc engine. The ride quality is smooth, and it handles well at higher speeds. It’s ideal for those who love long-distance cruising with style and performance.
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Shivam V
Royal Enfield Hunter 350
Review On
Royal Enfield Hunter 350


Great Looks
The Royal Enfield Hunter 350 caught my eye with its elegant appearance and expected 36km/l mileage. One of my fellow riders shared with me his weekend rides, where he appreciated performance on long distances as well as comfort. Every ride is fun since the features seem to be well considered for enthusiasts. Given reasonable Royal Enfield maintenance costs, I am eager to personally feel this mix of style and substance.
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Royal Enfield Classic 350
Review On
Royal Enfield Classic 350


Dream Bike for me
My dream bike has been the Royal Enfield Classic 350, which runs roughly 37km/l. Considering such a strong machine, maintenance expenses are reasonable. The comfort degree is excellent; I can ride for hours without feeling uncomfortable. Its appeal comes from the retro elements. I rode a group last week, and everyone loved its vintage appearance while I savoured every moment on the road!
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Royal Enfield Hunter 350
Review On
Royal Enfield Hunter 350


Impressive Bike
Riding the Royal Enfield Hunter 350 lately, I was delighted with its about 36km/l mileage. Although maintenance on this bike is somewhat more than on others, the comfort degree is exceptional. Long rides were fun since the riding position seemed natural. Furthermore outstanding are the modern elements. Last weekend, I took it out and felt as though I was riding a genuine classic.
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Vikram Malhotra
Royal Enfield Classic 350
Review On
Royal Enfield Classic 350


Iconic Cruiser with Unmatched Road Presence
The Royal Enfield Classic 350 is a true legend on the roads. After riding 12,000 km, I’m consistently getting a mileage of 35 km/l. The bike offers unmatched comfort, especially on long rides, and the engine delivers a powerful yet smooth performance. The retro design is timeless, and it attracts attention wherever you go. If you’re a fan of classic bikes with a modern twist, the Classic 350 is hard to beat.
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रॉयल एनफील्ड की बंद हो चुकी बाइक

रॉयल एनफील्ड बाइक अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न

भारत में रॉयल एनफील्ड की सबसे महंगी बाइक रॉयल एनफील्ड सुपर मीटर 650 है, जिसकी कीमत ₹3.61 लाख है।

भारत में रॉयल एनफील्ड की सबसे सस्ती बाइक रॉयल एनफील्ड हंटर 350 है, जिसकी कीमत ₹1.50 लाख है।

भारत में रॉयल एनफील्ड की अपेक्षित नई लॉन्च बाइक्स हैं रॉयल एनफील्ड क्लासिक 650 (मार्च 2025), रॉयल एनफील्ड स्क्रैम्ब्लर 650 (मई 2025), रॉयल एनफील्ड हिमालयन 650 (सितंबर 2025), रॉयल एनफील्ड बुलेट 650 (अक्तूबर 2025), रॉयल एनफ़ील्ड रोडस्टर 450 (नवंबर 2025), रॉयल एनफील्ड शॉटगन 350 (नवंबर 2025)।
