
टीवीएस बाइक

टीवीएस बाइक की कीमत ₹44,999 से शुरू होती है, जो सबसे किफायती मॉडल है। यह मॉडल टीवीएस एक्सएल100 है। सबसे महंगे मॉडल, जो कि टीवीएस अपैची आरआर 310 है, की कीमत ₹2.75 लाख से शुरू होती है।

टीवीएस भारत में 19 बाइक मॉडल पेश करता है, जिनमें 7 बाइक Scooter श्रेणी में, 4 बाइक Street श्रेणी में, 5 बाइक Sports श्रेणी में, 3 बाइक Commuter श्रेणी में, 1 बाइक Cruiser श्रेणी में, 1 बाइक Moped श्रेणी में शामिल हैं।

टीवीएस की भारत में 6 आने वाली बाइक्स हैं, जो हैं टीवीएस जुपिटर इलेक्ट्रिक, टीवीएस अपैची आरटीएक्स 310 एडीवी, TVS Apache RTX 300, टीवीएस जुपिटर सीएनजी, टीवीएस जेपेलिन आर, टीवीएस एडीवी

टीवीएस बाइक प्राइस लिस्ट (मार्च 2025) भारत में

टीवीएस बाइक की कीमत ₹44,999 से शुरू होती है और ₹2.75 लाख (एक्स-शोरूम) तक जाती है। टीवीएस की टॉप 5 लोकप्रिय बाइक्स की कीमतें इस प्रकार हैं: टीवीएस एनटॉर्क 125 की कीमत ₹84,636 है, टीवीएस अपाचे आरटीआर 160 की कीमत ₹1.20 लाख है, टीवीएस रैडर की कीमत ₹84,869 है, टीवीएस आईक्यूब की कीमत ₹1.17 लाख है, टीवीएस स्पोर्ट की कीमत ₹61,021 है।

टीवीएस एनटॉर्क 125₹84,636
टीवीएस अपाचे आरटीआर 160₹1.20 लाख
टीवीएस रैडर₹84,869
टीवीएस आईक्यूब₹1.17 लाख
टीवीएस स्पोर्ट₹61,021
टीवीएस रेडोन₹59,880
टीवीएस स्कूटी ज़ेस्ट₹73,931
टीवीएस स्टार सिटी प्लस₹75,000
टीवीएस रोनिन₹1.35 लाख
टीवीएस अपैची आरआर 310₹2.75 लाख

टीवीएस बाइक मॉडल

टीवीएस आईक्यूब bikes
टीवीएस आईक्यूब

60 Km/Charge·

4 Hr 30 Mins·

75 Kmph

1.17 लाख (से शुरू)
टीवीएस रोनिन bikes
टीवीएस रोनिन

42.95 Kmpl·

226 cc·

120 Kmph

1.35 लाख (से शुरू)


टीवीएस आने वाली बाइक

टीवीएस जुपिटर इलेक्ट्रिक bikes
टीवीएस जुपिटर इलेक्ट्रिक
₹ 1.10 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Mar 23, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
टीवीएस अपैची आरटीएक्स 310 एडीवी bikes
टीवीएस अपैची आरटीएक्स 310 एडीवी

310 cc

₹ 2.50 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Jul 22, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
TVS Apache RTX 300 bikes
TVS Apache RTX 300

300 cc

₹ 2.60 Lakh (अपेक्षित)
Aug 15, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
टीवीएस जुपिटर सीएनजी bikes
टीवीएस जुपिटर सीएनजी

125 cc

₹ 90,000 (अपेक्षित)
Oct 15, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
टीवीएस जेपेलिन आर bikes
टीवीएस जेपेलिन आर

220 cc·


₹ 1.50 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Oct 27, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
टीवीएस एडीवी bikes
टीवीएस एडीवी

106 cc·


₹ 1.50 Lakh (अपेक्षित)
Nov 15, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
सभी आगामी बाइकें

टीवीएस बाइक अपडेट

भारत मोबिलिटी एक्सपो 2025 में टीवीएस अपाचे आरटीएक्स 300 एडीवी का खुलासा news
भारत मोबिलिटी एक्सपो 2025 में टीवीएस अपाचे आरटीएक्स 300 एडीवी का खुलासा
Himanshu Joshi
TVS ने नई दिल्ली में भारत मोबिलिटी एक्सपो 2025 में बहुप्रतीक्षित Apache RTX 300 ADV का खुलासा किया। यह एडवेंचर मोटरसाइकिल एडवेंचर बाइक सेगमेंट में TVS की एंट्री को चिह्नित करती है, जिसमें अत्याधुनिक डिज़ाइन, शक्तिशाली प्रदर्शन और एडवांस फीचर्स हैं।
और पढ़ें...
दुनिया का पहला CNG स्कूटर: TVS Jupiter CNG को भारत मोबिलिटी एक्सपो 2025 में प्रदर्शित किया गया news
दुनिया का पहला CNG स्कूटर: TVS Jupiter CNG को भारत मोबिलिटी एक्सपो 2025 में प्रदर्शित किया गया
Himanshu Joshi
TVS Jupiter 125 CNG दुनिया का पहला फैक्ट्री-फिटेड CNG स्कूटर बनने के लिए तैयार है। अपने द्वि-ईंधन इंजन के साथ, स्कूटर आधुनिक सुविधाओं के साथ ईंधन दक्षता का संयोजन करता है, जो दोपहिया बाजार में एक आशाजनक वृद्धि प्रदान करता है।
और पढ़ें...
भारत मोबिलिटी एक्सपो 2025 में रोमांचक नए लॉन्च का इंतजार है — मिस न करें! news
भारत मोबिलिटी एक्सपो 2025 में रोमांचक नए लॉन्च का इंतजार है — मिस न करें!
Himanshu Joshi
नई दिल्ली में 2025 भारत मोबिलिटी ग्लोबल एक्सपो ऑटोमोटिव उद्योग में एक ऐतिहासिक कार्यक्रम होगा, जिसमें 34 से अधिक वाहन निर्माता और 800+ ओईएम शामिल होंगे, जो इसे ऑटोमोटिव के प्रति उत्साही लोगों के लिए एक जरूरी कार्यक्रम बना देगा।
और पढ़ें...
TVS ने नए RT-XD4 इंजन का खुलासा किया: क्या यह नई अपाचे श्रृंखला का संकेत दे सकता है? news
TVS ने नए RT-XD4 इंजन का खुलासा किया: क्या यह नई अपाचे श्रृंखला का संकेत दे सकता है?
Himanshu Joshi
TVS Motors ने MotoSoul 2024 इवेंट में अपने नए 300cc RT-XD4 इंजन का अनावरण किया है। इसे TVS द्वारा इन-हाउस विकसित किया गया है और इससे आगामी Apache RTX एडवेंचर बाइक को पावर मिलने की उम्मीद है, जो 300cc ADV सेगमेंट में TVS की लाइनअप में इजाफा करेगी।
और पढ़ें...
TVS Apache RTR ब्लैक एडिशन लॉन्च किया गया: 160cc सेगमेंट में एक नया एस्थेटिक प्रतिद्वंद्वी news
TVS Apache RTR ब्लैक एडिशन लॉन्च किया गया: 160cc सेगमेंट में एक नया एस्थेटिक प्रतिद्वंद्वी
Mohit Kumar
पेश है TVS Apache RTR ब्लैक एडिशन, 160cc सेगमेंट का सबसे नया कंटेंडर। इसके आकर्षक डिज़ाइन और प्रभावशाली विशेषताओं को उजागर करें।
और पढ़ें...
भारत मोबिलिटी एक्सपो में सामने आया, TVS Raider 125 Flex Fuel भारत में लॉन्च हो सकता है। सभी विवरण पढ़ें news
भारत मोबिलिटी एक्सपो में सामने आया, TVS Raider 125 Flex Fuel भारत में लॉन्च हो सकता है। सभी विवरण पढ़ें
भारत मोबिलिटी एक्सपो 2024 में रेडर 125 के TVS फ्लेक्स-फ्यूल वर्जन के अत्याधुनिक इनोवेशन का अनुभव करें।
और पढ़ें...
सभी समाचार

About TVS Bikes

TVS Motor Company, part of the TVS Group, traces its origins back to 1911 when T.V. Sundaram Iyengar founded T.V. Sundaram Iyengar and Sons in Madurai, India. The company initially operated as a bus service provider, pioneering the concept of public transportation in Southern India. With a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction and operational efficiency, the TVS Group expanded into multiple sectors, including automotive and finance.

Entering the Automotive Market (1955–1970s)

In the 1950s, TVS ventured into the automotive industry by establishing a dealership for bicycles and mopeds. Recognizing the growing demand for two-wheelers in India, the group laid the groundwork for entering two-wheeler manufacturing.

In 1962, the TVS Group set up a collaboration with Clayton Dewandre Holdings in the UK to establish Sundaram Clayton, which manufactured automotive components like brakes and exhausts. This experience in precision engineering would later pave the way for TVS's foray into the two-wheeler market.

Formation of TVS Motor Company (1979)

TVS Motor Company was officially incorporated in 1979 to produce motorcycles, mopeds, and scooters for the Indian market. The company introduced its first product, the TVS 50, in 1980. This two-wheeler was India’s first indigenously designed moped and became an instant success due to its affordability, fuel efficiency, and utility for rural and urban commuters.

Partnership with Suzuki (1982–2001)

In 1982, TVS entered into a technical collaboration with Suzuki Motor Corporation, Japan, forming TVS-Suzuki Ltd. This partnership brought advanced Japanese technology to India, leading to the development of reliable and efficient two-wheelers.

Key models during this period included:

  • Suzuki Samurai: Known for its ruggedness and reliability, it became a favorite among daily commuters.
  • Suzuki Shogun: A performance-oriented two-stroke motorcycle that gained a cult following among enthusiasts.
  • Suzuki Supra:A practical commuter bike that offered good mileage and durability.

The partnership also helped TVS improve its manufacturing processes and expand its dealer network across India. By the late 1990s, TVS-Suzuki had established itself as one of the leading two-wheeler manufacturers in the country.

Breaking Away: Becoming TVS Motor Company (2001)

In 2001, TVS ended its collaboration with Suzuki, citing differences in vision. Following the split, the company rebranded itself as TVS Motor Company Limited. Despite losing access to Suzuki's technology, TVS showcased its ability to innovate independently by launching the Victor, its first in-house motorcycle. The Victor was a major success due to its superior mileage, reliability, and affordability.

This period marked TVS's transformation into a fully Indian company, focused on research and development (R&D) to create products tailored to the needs of Indian consumers.

2000s: Expansion and Innovation

TVS continued to expand its product portfolio and market presence throughout the 2000s. Key developments during this period included:

TVS Apache Series (2006): The Apache series was a game-changer for TVS, targeting the growing segment of performance-oriented motorcycles. With sporty designs and advanced features, the Apache series became one of India’s most popular motorcycles.

Scooter Segment: TVS entered the scooter market with models like the TVS Scooty (targeted at women riders) and TVS Wego. These scooters were lightweight, stylish, and easy to handle, capturing a significant share of the market.

TVS started exporting two-wheelers to international markets, strengthening its presence in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia.

2010s: Focus on Technology and Performance

The 2010s saw TVS doubling down on innovation, with significant investments in R&D and the development of cutting-edge products.

Apache RTR Series: TVS introduced advanced iterations of the Apache, featuring Race-Tuned Fuel Injection (RT-Fi), ABS, and aggressive styling. Models like the Apache RTR 160 and Apache RTR 200 4V became favorites among enthusiasts.

Electric Mobility: TVS began exploring electric mobility solutions, launching the TVS iQube Electric in 2020, a smart and eco-friendly scooter with connected technology.

BMW Partnership (2013): TVS entered a strategic partnership with BMW Motorrad to co-develop motorcycles in the sub-500cc category. This collaboration led to the launch of the BMW G 310 R and BMW G 310 GS, as well as TVS's own RR 310, a flagship sportbike based on the same platform.

Key Achievements and New Launches

  • TVS Jupiter (2013): Aimed at families, the Jupiter became one of the best-selling scooters in India due to its practical features and comfortable ride.
  • TVS NTorq 125 (2018): This sporty scooter targeted the youth segment with its edgy design, Bluetooth connectivity, and peppy performance.
  • TVS RR 310 (2017): Developed under the BMW partnership, the RR 310 offered premium performance and design, making TVS a serious player in the premium motorcycle segment.

Sustainability and Electric Mobility (2020s)

TVS has been actively working towards sustainability, focusing on electric vehicles (EVs) and eco-friendly manufacturing. The company’s iQube Electric scooter represents its commitment to clean mobility and connected technology. TVS is also investing in EV infrastructure and expanding its electric portfolio to compete in the rapidly growing market.

Awards and Recognition

TVS Motor Company has received numerous accolades for its quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, including the prestigious Deming Prize for Total Quality Management (TQM) in 2002 and the TPM Excellence Award from the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance.

Present-Day and Future Vision

Today, TVS is one of the top two-wheeler manufacturers in the world, with a presence in over 80 countries. The company continues to innovate, focusing on performance, sustainability, and smart mobility solutions. TVS aims to become a global leader in the EV segment while maintaining its stronghold in conventional two-wheelers.

With a legacy of over a century, TVS Motor Company remains synonymous with quality, reliability, and innovation in the two-wheeler industry.

TVS Motor Company, part of the TVS Group, traces its origins back to 1911 when T.V. Sundaram Iyengar founded T.V. Sundaram Iyengar and Sons in Madurai, India. The company initially operated as a bus service provider, pioneering the concept of public transportation in Southern India. With a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction and operational efficiency, the TVS Group expanded into multiple sectors, including automotive and finance.

A Brief History

TVS Motor Company, one of India's leading two-wheeler manufacturers, has a rich history that began in 1962 as part of Sundaram Clayton, producing automotive components like brakes and compressors. The company entered the two-wheeler segment in 1978 with the launch of mopeds. In 1980, it introduced India's first two-seater moped, the TVS 50. A significant milestone was the collaboration with Suzuki Motor Corporation in 1982, producing a range of successful motorcycles like the Suzuki Shogun and Samurai. This partnership lasted until 2001, after which TVS focused on indigenous innovation, launching notable models such as the TVS Victor and Apache series.
TVS has been a pioneer in incorporating cutting-edge technology into its products, including the first motorcycle with digital ignition and the first bike with ABS in India. The company has also ventured into the electric vehicle market, reflecting its commitment to sustainability. Today, TVS remains a prominent player, known for its wide range of two-wheelers, including motorcycles, scooters, and electric options, supported by a robust R&D foundation and a strong focus on customer satisfaction.

Brand USP: The TVS Advantage

TVS stands out in the highly competitive Indian two-wheeler market due to its focus on innovation, reliability, and affordability. Here's what makes TVS unique:

Innovative Engineering
TVS integrates advanced technologies like SmartXonnect, RT-Fi (Race Tuned Fuel Injection), and iQube Electric Technology, ensuring a blend of modern features with efficient performance.

Wide Product Range
From the sporty Apache RTR Series to the efficient Star City Plus and the stylish NTorq 125 scooter, TVS caters to a diverse set of customers.

Racing Heritage
TVS has a strong presence in motorsports, and its experience in racing directly influences its performance-oriented motorcycles like the TVS Apache RR 310.

Durability and Affordability
TVS bikes are renowned for their rugged build, long-lasting performance, and low maintenance costs, making them ideal for urban and rural customers alike.

Eco-Friendly Focus
TVS is committed to sustainability, offering models like the TVS iQube, its electric scooter, as part of its drive towards green mobility.

TVS Bikes Latest Updates
TVS Motor Company achieved its highest-ever monthly sales in October, with a total of 482,495 units sold. This represents a 20% growth compared to the same period last year.
In November, TVS launched the updated Apache RTR 160 4V with new features and enhancements, priced at ₹1.40 lakh. This model includes improved performance and updated styling.
TVS introduced new color options for the TVS NTORQ scooter, enhancing its appeal to younger riders and expanding its market reach.
TVS Motor Company reported its highest-ever revenue and profits for the second quarter of the financial year 2024-25. This strong financial performance underscores the company's robust market position and operational efficiency.

TVS Bikes Series
The TVS Apache series is a popular line of motorcycles produced by TVS Motor Company, known for their sporty design, advanced technology, and performance-oriented features. Launched in 2005, the Apache series has grown to include several models, each catering to different segments of motorcycle enthusiasts.

  • Apache RTR 160
  • Apache RTR 160 4V
  • Apache RTR 180
  • Apache RTR 200 4V
  • Apache RR 310

TVS Bike Price in Range

  • TVS Sport: ₹59,881 - ₹71,383
  • TVS Radeon: ₹59,880 - ₹81,394
  • TVS Star City Plus: ₹75,000 - ₹78,000
  • TVS Raider: ₹84,869 - ₹1.04 lakh
  • TVS Apache RTR Series: ₹1.20 lakh - ₹2.72 lakh
  • TVS Ronin: ₹1.35 lakh - ₹1.73 lakh
  • TVS Apache RR 310: ₹2.75 lakh - ₹2.97 lakh

TVS Bikes Dealers in India
TVS has a robust network of 3836 dealerships in 904 cities across India. These dealerships ensure that customers have easy access to TVS bikes, scooters, and services.
TVS makes it easy to locate the nearest dealership through its online dealer locator tool: TVS Dealers

TVS Bikes Service Centers in India
TVS Motor Company is backed by an expansive network of 4,200+ authorized service centers, ensuring that customers have access to high-quality maintenance and repair services.
You can locate the nearest authorized service center through: TVS Service Centre

TVS Bikes Toll-Free Number
TVS Bikes Customer Care can be reached at this toll-free number if you have any questions, concerns, or service requests: 18002587111.

How to get TVS Bikes loan in India
To get a TVS bike loan in India, you need to meet basic eligibility criteria, including age (21-60 years), stable income, and a good credit score. Required documents typically include identity, address, and income proof. You can apply at TVS dealerships, which partner with financial institutions, or directly with banks or NBFCs. Once approved, the loan amount is disbursed to the dealer or to you, and the bike is delivered. Repayment is made in monthly EMIs over 12 to 60 months. It's advisable to compare offers for the best interest rates and loan terms

Why CarBike360?
CarBike360 is your go-to platform for all things related to cars and bikes. With detailed specifications, expert reviews, and real-time updates on the latest models, it simplifies the buying process. Whether you’re looking for new or used vehicles, it offers a wide selection across all brands. Plus, you can easily compare prices, find dealers in your area, and explore loan options. With expert advice and a user-friendly interface, CarBike360 ensures you make informed decisions, making vehicle shopping hassle-free and transparent.

लोकप्रिय टीवीएस बाइक तुलनाएँ

तुलना स्वयं करें

अपने शहर में टीवीएस बाइक डीलर खोजें

टीवीएस बाइक वीडियो

सभी वीडियो

टीवीएस बाइक की मुख्य विशेषताएं

ईंधन प्रकारPetrol, Electric
सबसे महंगीटीवीएस अपैची आरआर 310
सबसे सस्तीटीवीएस एक्सएल100
आने वाले मॉडलटीवीएस जुपिटर इलेक्ट्रिक, टीवीएस अपैची आरटीएक्स 310 एडीवी, TVS Apache RTX 300, टीवीएस जुपिटर सीएनजी, टीवीएस जेपेलिन आर, टीवीएस एडीवी
शोरूम की संख्या3748
सर्विस सेंटर्स की संख्या901

टीवीएस बाइक उपयोगकर्ता समीक्षा

Devendra Mishra
TVS Ronin
Review On
TVS Ronin


Versatile Cruiser with a Modern Touch
The TVS Ronin is a versatile cruiser with modern features and good performance. After 5,500 km, I’m pleased with its comfort and handling, both in the city and on highways. The mileage of 42 km/l is decent for a cruiser bike. It’s a great blend of comfort, power, and style, making it ideal for those who love relaxed, long-distance riding with a modern appeal.
Check All Reviews
Amit Singh
TVS Raider
Review On
TVS Raider


Sporty and Affordable Commuter Bike
The TVS Raider is a stylish and affordable commuter bike that stands out for its fuel efficiency. With an impressive mileage of 65 km/l and after driving 10,000 km, I find it perfect for daily use. The bike is lightweight, has smooth handling, and offers a comfortable ride. Its sporty design makes it appealing, and it’s great for anyone looking for an economical yet stylish two-wheeler.
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TVS Raider
Review On
TVS Raider


great features
For a few months, I have been riding the TVS Raider; its performance is excellent! The 125cc engine gives a zippy ride ideal for my daily commute. Once I raced the bike belonging to a friend, the Raider outpaced him quite naturally! Its good mileage of about 67km/l also helps to keep my fuel expenses low. Anyone seeking style and performance will find it ideal with its digital display and sporty form.
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Rajvir Singh
TVS Raider
Review On
TVS Raider


A Fun and Efficient 125cc Commuter
The TVS Raider is an exciting, sporty 125cc commuter bike that delivers both style and efficiency. After riding it for 5,000 km, its 125cc engine is zippy and offers excellent fuel efficiency, with a mileage of 65 km/l. The bike is comfortable, with upright seating and good handling, making it ideal for daily commutes. The digital console and modern design add to the overall appeal. If you’re looking for a fun and economical bike for everyday rides, the TVS Raider is a fantastic choice.
Check All Reviews
TVS Apache RTR 160 4V
Review On
TVS Apache RTR 160 4V


Good experience
A good experience and feeling better.
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TVS Apache RTR 160 4V
Review On
TVS Apache RTR 160 4V


Good service
After buying the bike, keep up with regular maintenance and stay informed about any recalls or service bulletins. Join a riding community or club to learn from other riders and enhance your riding experience.
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टीवीएस की बंद हो चुकी बाइक

टीवीएस बाइक अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न

भारत में टीवीएस की सबसे महंगी बाइक टीवीएस अपैची आरआर 310 है, जिसकी कीमत ₹2.75 लाख है।

भारत में टीवीएस की सबसे सस्ती बाइक टीवीएस एक्सएल100 है, जिसकी कीमत ₹44,999 है।

भारत में टीवीएस की अपेक्षित नई लॉन्च बाइक्स हैं टीवीएस जुपिटर इलेक्ट्रिक (मार्च 2025), टीवीएस अपैची आरटीएक्स 310 एडीवी (जुलाई 2025), TVS Apache RTX 300 (अगस्त 2025), टीवीएस जुपिटर सीएनजी (अक्तूबर 2025), टीवीएस जेपेलिन आर (अक्तूबर 2025), टीवीएस एडीवी (नवंबर 2025)।
