
सुजुकी बाइक

सुजुकी बाइक की कीमत ₹80,700 से शुरू होती है, जो सबसे किफायती मॉडल है। यह मॉडल सुजुकी एक्सेस 125 है। सबसे महंगे मॉडल, जो कि सुजुकी हयाबुसा है, की कीमत ₹16.90 लाख से शुरू होती है।

सुजुकी भारत में 13 बाइक मॉडल पेश करता है, जिनमें 4 बाइक Scooter श्रेणी में, 5 बाइक Sports श्रेणी में, 1 बाइक Street श्रेणी में, 2 बाइक Adventure श्रेणी में, 3 बाइक Super श्रेणी में, 1 बाइक Commuter श्रेणी में शामिल हैं।

सुजुकी की भारत में 6 आने वाली बाइक्स हैं, जो हैं सुजुकी बर्गमैन इलेक्ट्रिक, सुजुकी जीएसएक्स एस 1000, सुजुकी जीएसएक्स एस 1000जीटी, सुजुकी इंट्रूडर 250, सुजुकी जीएसएक्स 8एस, सुजुकी वी स्ट्रॉम 1050

सुजुकी बाइक प्राइस लिस्ट (मार्च 2025) भारत में

सुजुकी बाइक की कीमत ₹80,700 से शुरू होती है और ₹16.90 लाख (एक्स-शोरूम) तक जाती है। सुजुकी की टॉप 5 लोकप्रिय बाइक्स की कीमतें इस प्रकार हैं: सुजुकी एक्सेस 125 की कीमत ₹80,700 है, सुजुकी बर्गमन स्ट्रीट की कीमत ₹94,000 है, सुजुकी एवेनिस की कीमत ₹92,000 है, सुजुकी गिक्सर की कीमत ₹1.35 लाख है, सुज़ुकी वी स्ट्रॉम एसएक्स की कीमत ₹2.12 लाख है।

सुजुकी एक्सेस 125₹80,700
सुजुकी बर्गमन स्ट्रीट₹94,000
सुजुकी एवेनिस₹92,000
सुजुकी गिक्सर₹1.35 लाख
सुज़ुकी वी स्ट्रॉम एसएक्स₹2.12 लाख
सुजुकी गिक्सर 250₹1.92 लाख
सुजुकी हयाबुसा₹16.90 लाख
सूज़ूकी कटाना₹13.61 लाख
सुजुकी गिक्सर एसएफ₹1.38 लाख
सुजुकी वी स्ट्रॉम 800 डीइ₹10.30 लाख

सुजुकी बाइक मॉडल


सुजुकी आने वाली बाइक

सुजुकी बर्गमैन इलेक्ट्रिक bikes
सुजुकी बर्गमैन इलेक्ट्रिक

125 cc·


₹ 1.2 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Mar 25, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
सुजुकी जीएसएक्स एस 1000 bikes
सुजुकी जीएसएक्स एस 1000

999 cc·


₹ 12 Lakh (अपेक्षित)
Jul 27, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
सुजुकी जीएसएक्स एस 1000जीटी bikes
सुजुकी जीएसएक्स एस 1000जीटी

999 cc·


₹ 13.50 Lakh (अपेक्षित)
Aug 29, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
सुजुकी इंट्रूडर 250 bikes
सुजुकी इंट्रूडर 250

249 cc·


₹ 1.80 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Sep 1, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
सुजुकी जीएसएक्स 8एस bikes
सुजुकी जीएसएक्स 8एस

776 cc·


₹ 7.67 Lakh (अपेक्षित)
Oct 1, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
सुजुकी वी स्ट्रॉम 1050 bikes
सुजुकी वी स्ट्रॉम 1050

1037 cc·


₹ 14.40 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Oct 15, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
सभी आगामी बाइकें

सुजुकी बाइक अपडेट

Suzuki ने e-Access का खुलासा किया और भारत मोबिलिटी ग्लोबल एक्सपो 2025 में Gixxer SF 250 Flex Fuel लॉन्च किया! news
Suzuki ने e-Access का खुलासा किया और भारत मोबिलिटी ग्लोबल एक्सपो 2025 में Gixxer SF 250 Flex Fuel लॉन्च किया!
Himanshu Joshi
Suzuki Motorcycle India ने भारत मोबिलिटी एक्सपो 2025 में e-Access इलेक्ट्रिक स्कूटर और Gixxer SF 250 Flex Fuel का अनावरण किया। इस रोमांचक अपडेट में दोनों मॉडलों के स्पेसिफिकेशन, फीचर्स और विवरण देखें।
और पढ़ें...
भारत मोबिलिटी एक्सपो 2025 में रोमांचक नए लॉन्च का इंतजार है — मिस न करें! news
भारत मोबिलिटी एक्सपो 2025 में रोमांचक नए लॉन्च का इंतजार है — मिस न करें!
Himanshu Joshi
नई दिल्ली में 2025 भारत मोबिलिटी ग्लोबल एक्सपो ऑटोमोटिव उद्योग में एक ऐतिहासिक कार्यक्रम होगा, जिसमें 34 से अधिक वाहन निर्माता और 800+ ओईएम शामिल होंगे, जो इसे ऑटोमोटिव के प्रति उत्साही लोगों के लिए एक जरूरी कार्यक्रम बना देगा।
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Suzuki Hayabusa का 25वां एनिवर्सरी एडिशन लॉन्च, कीमत 17.70 लाख रूपए  news
Suzuki Hayabusa का 25वां एनिवर्सरी एडिशन लॉन्च, कीमत 17.70 लाख रूपए
Suzuki एक विशेष संस्करण के साथ हायाबुसा की विरासत के 25 साल पूरे होने का जश्न मनाती है: प्रतिष्ठित डिजाइन, शक्तिशाली प्रदर्शन और कालातीत विशिष्टता।
और पढ़ें...
मिड-रेंज एडवेंचर सुजुकी वी-स्ट्रॉम 800DE, कीमत 10.30 लाख रुपये में लॉन्च news
मिड-रेंज एडवेंचर सुजुकी वी-स्ट्रॉम 800DE, कीमत 10.30 लाख रुपये में लॉन्च
मिड-रेंज एडवेंचर बाइक Suzuki V-Strom 800DE को 10.30 लाख रुपये में लॉन्च किया गया है। पैरेलल-ट्विन इंजन, मजबूत स्टील फ्रेम और TFT स्क्रीन और STCS जैसी उन्नत सुविधाओं के साथ, यह नए मानक स्थापित करता है।
और पढ़ें...
सुजुकी जल्द ही V-Strom 800DE लॉन्च करने के लिए तैयार है news
सुजुकी जल्द ही V-Strom 800DE लॉन्च करने के लिए तैयार है
बहुप्रतीक्षित Suzuki V-Strom 800DE एक गहन टीज़र अभियान के बाद मार्च 2024 तक भारत में डेब्यू करने के लिए तैयार है। मजबूत निर्माण, शक्तिशाली इंजन, उन्नत सुविधाओं और प्रतिस्पर्धी मूल्य निर्धारण के साथ, इसका लक्ष्य एडवेंचर टूरिंग सेगमेंट पर हावी होना है।
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भारत में फरवरी 2024 में लॉन्च होने वाले टू-व्हीलर news
भारत में फरवरी 2024 में लॉन्च होने वाले टू-व्हीलर
फरवरी 2024 में भारत में होने वाले बहुप्रतीक्षित टू-व्हीलर लॉन्च की एक झलक पाएं।
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सभी समाचार

About Suzuki Bikes

Suzuki Motor Corporation began as a small loom manufacturing company in Hamamatsu, Japan, in 1909, founded by Michio Suzuki. For over three decades, Suzuki Loom Works specialized in creating weaving machines for Japan’s thriving silk industry. The company gained a reputation for innovation and precision in loom manufacturing.

In the 1930s, Michio Suzuki decided to diversify into the automotive sector to meet growing transportation demands. However, World War II halted these plans, and Suzuki returned to loom manufacturing during the war.

After the war, Suzuki shifted focus to motorized vehicles, recognizing the potential for affordable, efficient transportation in a recovering Japan. The company’s first product in this category was a motorized bicycle.

Entry into Motorcycles: The Power Free (1952)

In 1952, Suzuki introduced its first motorized bicycle, the Power Free, which featured a 36cc two-stroke engine. It was innovative for its time, offering a dual-mode system that allowed riders to either pedal manually or use the engine. The simplicity and affordability of the Power Free made it a popular choice for post-war Japan.

The success of the Power Free led to government support, encouraging Suzuki to further explore motorcycle manufacturing.

The First True Motorcycle: Diamond Free (1953)

Suzuki followed up with the Diamond Free in 1953, a more advanced motorized bicycle featuring a 60cc engine. The Diamond Free was well-received for its reliability and performance, marking Suzuki's entry into the motorcycle industry.

By 1954, the company had officially changed its name to Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd., signaling its transition into a dedicated automobile and motorcycle manufacturer.

Expansion into Scooters and Small Motorcycles (1950s–1960s)

In 1955, Suzuki launched its first true motorcycle, the Colleda, powered by a 125cc four-stroke engine. The Colleda showcased Suzuki's engineering prowess and set a benchmark for performance and durability.

During this period, Suzuki also began experimenting with scooters. In 1955, they introduced the Suzulight, a small scooter that reflected their emphasis on compact, efficient vehicles.
In the 1960s, Suzuki gained international recognition with lightweight motorcycles such as the Suzuki T20 (Super Six), a 250cc bike known for its innovative six-speed transmission. This model helped Suzuki establish itself as a global player in the motorcycle industry.

International Racing Success and Technological Advancements (1960s–1970s)

Suzuki entered the international racing scene in the early 1960s, participating in the Isle of Man TT, one of the most prestigious motorcycle races. In 1962, Ernst Degner won Suzuki’s first Isle of Man TT in the 50cc class, showcasing the company's engineering capabilities.

The success on the racetrack fueled Suzuki's innovation. In 1968, Suzuki introduced the T500 Titan, a 500cc two-stroke motorcycle that became popular for its power and reliability.
Suzuki also made strides in the scooter segment, focusing on urban mobility solutions. Models like the Suzuki Fronte showcased the brand’s commitment to lightweight and economical two-wheelers.

Expansion to Global Markets (1970s–1980s)

In the 1970s, Suzuki expanded aggressively into international markets, establishing manufacturing plants and partnerships in countries like the United States, India, and Indonesia. The company introduced iconic motorcycles such as:

Suzuki GT750 (1971): Nicknamed the "Water Buffalo," this was Suzuki’s first liquid-cooled motorcycle, aimed at the sports touring segment.
Suzuki RE5 (1974): A unique rotary-engine motorcycle that demonstrated Suzuki’s willingness to experiment with unconventional technology.
Suzuki GS Series (1976): A line of four-stroke motorcycles that catered to performance enthusiasts.

Suzuki also gained a reputation for its performance bikes, with models like the GSX-R series becoming benchmarks in the sportbike category.

Entry into India: The Suzuki-Ind-Suzuki Partnership (1982)

In 1982, Suzuki entered the Indian market through a joint venture with TVS Motor Company, forming TVS Suzuki Ltd. This partnership introduced the Suzuki Samurai, Suzuki Max 100, and Suzuki Shogun, lightweight motorcycles that became household names in India during the 1990s.

The collaboration ended in 2001, and Suzuki established its independent subsidiary, Suzuki Motorcycle India Private Limited (SMIPL), in 2006.

Global Innovations and the Rise of Scooters (1990s–2000s)

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Suzuki diversified its lineup to cater to the growing demand for scooters and commuter motorcycles. Key models included:

Suzuki Access 125 (2007): A practical and reliable scooter that became one of the best-selling models in India.
Suzuki Hayabusa (1999): A groundbreaking supersport bike that set a top-speed benchmark of 300 km/h, earning legendary status among enthusiasts.

Suzuki also continued its dominance in the sportbike segment with the GSX-R1000, which combined advanced electronics and high performance.

Electric and Urban Mobility Focus (2010s–2020s)

Suzuki embraced the shift toward sustainability and urban mobility in the 2010s by developing hybrid and electric scooters. While maintaining a strong presence in the traditional motorcycle market, Suzuki began working on next-generation two-wheelers to cater to environmentally conscious consumers.

Key developments during this period included:

Suzuki Burgman Street (2018): A maxi-scooter launched in India that combined premium features with a stylish design.
Electric Prototypes: Suzuki unveiled several electric scooter concepts, signaling its commitment to a greener future.

Racing Legacy and Modern Success

Suzuki remained a force in motorcycle racing, winning multiple championships in MotoGP. In 2020, Suzuki secured the MotoGP World Championship with rider Joan Mir, marking a significant milestone in the company’s racing history.

Current Position and Vision (2020s)

As of 2024, Suzuki continues to be a leading global manufacturer of motorcycles and scooters. Its strategy includes:

  • Introducing affordable electric scooters for urban markets.
  • Incorporating advanced features like smartphone connectivity and hybrid engines.
  • Strengthening its presence in emerging markets like India, Southeast Asia, and Africa.

Key Milestones in Suzuki's Journey

1909: Founded as Suzuki Loom Works by Michio Suzuki.
1952: Launch of the Power Free motorized bicycle.
1954: Renamed Suzuki Motor Co., Ltd.
1962: First Isle of Man TT victory.
1982: Entered the Indian market through a joint venture with TVS.
2006: Suzuki Motorcycle India Private Limited established.
2007: Launch of the Suzuki Access 125 in India.
1999: Introduction of the Suzuki Hayabusa, a record-breaking supersport bike.
2020: MotoGP World Championship win.

Suzuki Motorcycles and Scooters have carved a unique legacy through innovation, racing excellence, and a customer-centric approach. From humble beginnings in loom manufacturing to becoming a global leader in two-wheelers, Suzuki remains a symbol of reliability, performance, and adaptability in the ever-evolving automotive landscape.

Suzuki started in the motorcycle industry in 1952, though it was founded in 1909 by Michio Suzuki as a loom manufacturer. After WWII, Suzuki entered the motorized vehicle market with the Power Free motorized bicycle. In 1954, they launched their first complete motorcycle, the Colleda COX. The 1960s saw racing success, including a 1962 World Championship win. Iconic models like the GT750 and RE5 emerged in the 1970s. The GSX-R750 in 1985 set new sportbike standards, and the Hayabusa became legendary in the 1990s and 2000s. Today, Suzuki is known for performance, reliability, and innovation, continually evolving to meet riders' needs.

Suzuki Bikes in India

Suzuki Motorcycles entered the Indian market in 2006 as Suzuki Motorcycle India Private Limited (SMIPL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation, Japan. With its long-standing legacy of innovation and performance, Suzuki quickly established itself in India by offering a range of bikes and scooters catering to diverse consumer needs.
The company’s offerings include popular motorcycles like the Gixxer series, known for sporty designs and robust performance, and scooters like the Access 125, which excel in practicality and efficiency. Suzuki has steadily expanded its market presence with a strong dealer network and reliable after-sales service. It focuses on blending Japanese technology with Indian consumer preferences, ensuring its products are both stylish and reliable. Today, Suzuki is a recognized name in the Indian two-wheeler segment for its performance-oriented and commuter-friendly products​.

Brand USP: The Suzuki Advantage

Suzuki’s unique selling proposition lies in its global legacy, advanced engineering, and customer-centric approach. Here's what makes Suzuki stand out:

Japanese Engineering Excellence

Suzuki motorcycles and scooters are designed to deliver unmatched performance, fuel efficiency, and durability, owing to their superior Japanese engineering.

Wide Product Portfolio

Suzuki caters to diverse segments, offering products like the sporty Gixxer series, the reliable Access 125 scooter, and the robust V-Strom 650XT adventure bike.

Performance and Style

Suzuki bikes are known for their balanced performance and modern aesthetics, appealing to both young riders and experienced enthusiasts.

Global Motorsports Legacy

Suzuki’s strong presence in motorsports, including MotoGP, influences its product lineup, ensuring cutting-edge technology and superior handling.

Customer Focus

With affordable pricing, attractive financing options, and low maintenance costs, Suzuki prioritizes the needs of its Indian customers.

Suzuki Bikes Latest Updates

  • Suzuki launched the GSX-8R in India, priced at ₹9.25 lakh (ex-showroom). This model has been well-received for its performance and advanced features.
  • Suzuki Motorcycle India achieved a record sales milestone, selling 1,20,055 units in October, marking a 19% year-on-year growth. Domestic sales alone accounted for 1,04,940 units.
  • The e-Burgman, an electric scooter, is set to launch in March 2025.

Suzuki Bikes Series

The Suzuki Gixxer Series is a popular line of motorcycles known for their sporty design, performance, and affordability.

  • Gixxer
  • Gixxer SF
  • Gixxer 250
  • Gixxer SF 250

Suzuki Bikes Price Range

  • Suzuki Access 125: ₹80,700 - ₹91,300
  • Suzuki Avenis: ₹92,000 - ₹92,800
  • Suzuki Gixxer 150: ₹1.35 - ₹1.38 lakh
  • Suzuki Gixxer SF 150: ₹1.46 lakh
  • Suzuki V-Strom SX: ₹2.12 lakh
  • Suzuki Katana: ₹13.61 lakh
  • Suzuki Hayabusa: ₹16.90 - ₹17.70 lakh

Suzuki Dealers in India

Suzuki boasts an extensive dealer network with 500+ authorized showrooms across India. These dealerships provide a seamless and professional buying experience.
Locate the nearest authorized Suzuki dealership using the our dealer locator tool: Suzuki Dealer Locator

Suzuki Service Centers in India

Suzuki ensures customer satisfaction through its network of 300+ authorized service centers, equipped with trained professionals and advanced tools to maintain your bike’s performance.
Use our service center locator to find the nearest service facility: Suzuki Service Centre

Suzuki Toll-Free Number

For inquiries, complaints, or service-related requests, you can reach out to Suzuki’s Customer Care via their toll-free number: 18001217996

How to get Suzuki Bike loan in India

To get a Suzuki bike loan in India, start by choosing a lender, such as a bank or a non-banking financial company (NBFC). Compare their interest rates, loan tenures, and eligibility criteria. Once you've selected a lender, fill out the loan application form and submit the required documents, including identity proof, address proof, income proof, and bank statements. The lender will assess your application and, if approved, disburse the loan amount. You can then use this amount to purchase your Suzuki bike and repay the loan in equated monthly installments (EMIs) over the agreed tenure.

Why Choose CarBike360?

CarBike360 is an excellent platform for buying or selling vehicles, offering a host of benefits. It provides extensive listings of new and used cars and bikes, making it easy to find options that suit your preferences and budget. With detailed reviews, expert insights, and comparisons, the platform simplifies decision-making. Its intuitive interface ensures a hassle-free browsing experience, while regular updates keep users informed about the latest in the automotive world. Financial tools like EMI calculators and loan options add convenience, helping users manage their budgets efficiently. These features make CarBike360 a trusted and comprehensive solution for automotive needs.

लोकप्रिय सुजुकी बाइक तुलनाएँ

तुलना स्वयं करें

अपने शहर में सुजुकी बाइक डीलर खोजें

सुजुकी बाइक वीडियो

सभी वीडियो

सुजुकी बाइक की मुख्य विशेषताएं

ईंधन प्रकारPetrol
सबसे महंगीसुजुकी हयाबुसा
सबसे सस्तीसुजुकी एक्सेस 125
आने वाले मॉडलसुजुकी बर्गमैन इलेक्ट्रिक, सुजुकी जीएसएक्स एस 1000, सुजुकी जीएसएक्स एस 1000जीटी, सुजुकी इंट्रूडर 250, सुजुकी जीएसएक्स 8एस, सुजुकी वी स्ट्रॉम 1050
शोरूम की संख्या759
सर्विस सेंटर्स की संख्या405

सुजुकी बाइक उपयोगकर्ता समीक्षा

Sanjay Patil
Suzuki Hayabusa
Review On
Suzuki Hayabusa


The Ultimate Sports Bike Experience
The Suzuki Hayabusa is an iconic sports bike known for its power and speed. After riding 6,500 km, I can say it lives up to its reputation. The mileage of 18 km/l is good for a high-performance bike of this caliber. It’s a thrill to ride, with excellent stability, smooth handling, and unparalleled acceleration. It’s perfect for enthusiasts who seek adrenaline and high-speed adventures.
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Suzuki Access 125
Review On
Suzuki Access 125


"A Practical and Reliable Ride: Impressive Scooter Review"
it is second hand scooter, it is nice.It offers refined performance with good fuel economy and practical-oriented features. The scooter has a conventional appearance, and its ride quality is impressive
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Nishant sabharwal
Suzuki Gixxer
Review On
Suzuki Gixxer


Good bike
Look wise Suzuki Gixxer still looks fresh. Build quality is great. There's not even a single rattling sound coming from the body panels yet. Seating posture is good for the rider but seat size and cushioning is not that great for the pillion so don't even think about highway rides with the pillion. Mileage is good for the 150 cc bike as I am getting around 40-45 kmpl. There's some vibrations can be felt after certain speed. After sales sevice is pathetic. I didn't receive a single call for bike servicing and spare parts availability is a pain though.
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Deepak Kumar
Suzuki V-Strom SX
Review On
Suzuki V-Strom SX


Great look and suzuki trust
Great machine
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Paras Kumar
Suzuki Katana
Review On
Suzuki Katana


Engine has a great power
The Suzuki Katana boasts a powerful and smooth 999cc inline-four engine that delivers exhilarating performance. The engine is tuned to produce 150 horsepower and 108 Nm of torque, making it a joy to ride on both city streets and open highways. The Katana also features a six-speed transmission that shifts seamlessly, allowing for effortless acceleration and cruising. The engine's fuel injection system is optimized for efficiency, and the bike offers a respectable fuel economy for its class. Overall, the engine on the Suzuki Katana is one of its strongest features and provides a thrilling riding experience that will leave any rider satisfied.
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Sajan Baudh
Suzuki Katana
Review On
Suzuki Katana


Riding experience draws attention
The Suzuki Katana is a stunningly designed motorcycle that delivers a thrilling and engaging riding experience. The comfortable riding position and smooth handling make it perfect for both long rides and daily commutes. The bike feels agile and responsive, and the engine provides plenty of power, making it a joy to ride. The suspension is well-tuned, and the brakes are powerful, giving the rider plenty of confidence when riding. The Katana's styling is unique and draws attention wherever it goes, adding to the overall riding experience. Overall, the Suzuki Katana is a fantastic motorcycle that delivers an exhilarating riding experience.
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सुजुकी की बंद हो चुकी बाइक

सुजुकी बाइक अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न

भारत में सुजुकी की सबसे महंगी बाइक सुजुकी हयाबुसा है, जिसकी कीमत ₹16.90 लाख है।

भारत में सुजुकी की सबसे सस्ती बाइक सुजुकी एक्सेस 125 है, जिसकी कीमत ₹80,700 है।

भारत में सुजुकी की अपेक्षित नई लॉन्च बाइक्स हैं सुजुकी बर्गमैन इलेक्ट्रिक (मार्च 2025), सुजुकी जीएसएक्स एस 1000 (जुलाई 2025), सुजुकी जीएसएक्स एस 1000जीटी (अगस्त 2025), सुजुकी इंट्रूडर 250 (सितंबर 2025), सुजुकी जीएसएक्स 8एस (अक्तूबर 2025), सुजुकी वी स्ट्रॉम 1050 (अक्तूबर 2025)।
