
स्कोडा कार

स्कोडा कार की कीमतें ₹7.89 लाख से शुरू होती हैं, जो कि कायलाक है। सबसे महंगा मॉडल कुशाक है, जिसकी कीमत ₹10.89 लाख है।

स्कोडा भारत में 3 कार मॉडल्स विभिन्न सेगमेंट्स में ऑफर करता है। स्कोडा की भारत में 12 अपकमिंग कारें हैं, जो कि स्कोडा नई कोडिएक, स्कोडा कुशाक फ़ेसलिफ़्ट, स्कोडा इनयाक और स्कोडा एलराक हैं।

स्कोडा कारों की प्राइस लिस्ट March 2025 में भारत

टॉप 3 लोकप्रिय स्कोडा कारों की कीमतें हैं: स्कोडा कायलाक की कीमत ₹7.89 लाख, स्कोडा स्लाविया की कीमत ₹10.69 लाख, स्कोडा कुशाक की कीमत ₹10.89 लाख।

मॉडल कीमत
स्कोडा कायलाक 7.89 लाख
स्कोडा स्लाविया 10.69 लाख
स्कोडा कुशाक 10.89 लाख

स्कोडा कार की कीमत 7.79 लाख रुपये से शुरू होती है और 36 लाख रुपये तक जाती है। स्कोडा के सबसे सस्ते मॉडल रैपिड टीएसआई की कीमत 7.79 लाख रुपये है और स्कोडा के सबसे महंगे मॉडल ऑक्टेविया की कीमत 36 लाख रुपये से शुरू होती है। स्कोडा देश में 4 कार मॉडल पेश करती है, जिसमें एसयूवी सेगमेंट में 1 कार और सेडान सेगमेंट में 3 कारें शामिल हैं। स्कोडा की भारत में 5 आगामी कारें भी हैं, जो कुशाक, कामिक, न्यू ऑक्टेविया, न्यू रैपिड और कोडिएक पेट्रोल बीएस 6 हैं।

स्कोडा ऑटो इंडिया चेक ऑटोमोबाइल निर्माता स्कोडा ऑटो की भारतीय शाखा है। ब्रांड वोक्सवैगन ग्रुप इंडिया का हिस्सा है। ब्रांड की भारतीय शाखा की स्थापना 2001 में औरंगाबाद, महाराष्ट्र में स्थित इसके विनिर्माण संयंत्र के साथ की गई थी।

स्कोडा इंडिया की उत्पाद श्रृंखला वर्तमान में रैपिड, ऑक्टेविया, कोडिएक और सुपर्ब प्रदान करती है। ऑक्टेविया वर्ष 2002 में ब्रांड द्वारा लॉन्च की जाने वाली पहली कार थी। कंपनी एक बिल्कुल नई कार पेश करने की भी योजना बना रही है, जो कारोक कॉम्पैक्ट एसयूवी है। सुपर्ब फेसलिफ्ट और न्यू-जेन ऑक्टेविया भी देश में ब्रांड के भविष्य के लॉन्च में से कुछ होंगे।

स्कोडा ऑटो इंडिया की सबसे ज्यादा बिकने वाली कार रैपिड सेडान है। ब्रांड ने कार का एक अधिक किफायती संस्करण भी लॉन्च किया, जिसे रैपिड राइडर संस्करण के रूप में जाना जाता है। हाल ही में रैपिड की 100,000वीं यूनिट औरंगाबाद फैक्ट्री से निकली है। स्कोडा का एक उप-ब्रांड भी है जिसका उद्देश्य हाइब्रिड और इलेक्ट्रिक वाहनों का उत्पादन करना है, जिन्हें आईवी के नाम से जाना जाता है।

स्कोडा कार मॉडल

स्कोडा आने वाली कारें

स्कोडा नई कोडिएक cars
स्कोडा नई कोडिएक
₹ 45.00 लाख (अपेक्षित)
May 13, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
स्कोडा कुशाक फ़ेसलिफ़्ट cars
स्कोडा कुशाक फ़ेसलिफ़्ट
₹ 11.00 लाख (अपेक्षित)
May 14, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
स्कोडा इनयाक cars
स्कोडा इनयाक
₹ 50.00 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Jun 11, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
स्कोडा एलराक cars
स्कोडा एलराक
₹ 25.00 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Jun 17, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
स्कोडा Sub-four metre SUV cars
स्कोडा Sub-four metre SUV
₹ 8.00 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Jul 26, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
स्कोडा  एलराक ईवी cars
स्कोडा एलराक ईवी
₹ 40.00 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Aug 17, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
स्कोडा विजन इन cars
स्कोडा विजन इन
₹ 10.0 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Aug 29, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
स्कोडा विजन एक्स cars
स्कोडा विजन एक्स
₹ 14.0 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Sep 28, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
स्कोडा ऑक्टाविया फेसलिफ्ट cars
स्कोडा ऑक्टाविया फेसलिफ्ट
₹ 35.00 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Oct 28, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
स्कोडा नई सुपर्ब cars
स्कोडा नई सुपर्ब
₹ 55.00 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Dec 17, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
स्कोडा स्केला cars
स्कोडा स्केला
₹ 12.0 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Dec 25, 2025 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)
स्कोडा विशन 7एस cars
स्कोडा विशन 7एस
₹ 60 लाख (अपेक्षित)
Jan 1, 2026 (अपेक्षित लॉन्च)

अपने शहर में स्कोडा कार डीलर खोजें

स्कोडा कारों से संबंधित समाचार और लेख

स्कोडा कोडिएक भारत में हुई बंद, नेक्स्ट-जेन एसयूवी मई 2025 तक लॉन्च होगी news
स्कोडा कोडिएक भारत में हुई बंद, नेक्स्ट-जेन एसयूवी मई 2025 तक लॉन्च होगी
Skoda की मौजूदा Kodiaq को अलविदा कहें क्योंकि 2025 वर्जन में शार्प स्टाइलिंग, हीटेड सीट्स, 13-इंच इंफोटेनमेंट सिस्टम और बेहतर सेफ्टी टेक्नोलॉजी दी गई है। मई 2025 तक भारत में लॉन्च किया जाएगा।
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भारत मोबिलिटी एक्सपो 2025 में स्कोडा इंडिया ने नई सुपर्ब, कोडिएक और ऑक्टाविया आरएस की शुरुआत की news
भारत मोबिलिटी एक्सपो 2025 में स्कोडा इंडिया ने नई सुपर्ब, कोडिएक और ऑक्टाविया आरएस की शुरुआत की
भारत मोबिलिटी एक्सपो 2025 में अनावरण किए गए नवीनतम 2025 स्कोडा सुपर्ब, कोडिएक और ऑक्टाविया आरएस के बारे में जानें। उनके भारत में लॉन्च से पहले डिज़ाइन, फीचर्स और परफॉरमेंस स्पेक्स के बारे में जानें।
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स्कोडा कारों की मुख्य विशेषताएं

लोकप्रिय स्कोडा कायलाक, स्कोडा स्लाविया, स्कोडा कुशाक
नवीनतम स्कोडा कायलाक
सबसे महंगी स्कोडा कुशाक
सबसे किफायती स्कोडा कायलाक
कारों की संख्या Compact SUV(1), Sedan(1), SUV(1)
शोरूम की संख्या 152
सेवा केन्द्रों की संख्या 85

About Skoda Cars

Skoda Auto, a renowned global automotive brand, was founded in 1895 in the Czech Republic by two visionary entrepreneurs, Václav Klement and Václav Laurin. Originally starting as a bicycle manufacturer, Laurin & Klement (the original name) shifted to automobile production in 1905, marking the beginning of Skoda’s storied legacy in the automotive world. Over the years, Skoda has grown from a small Czech company into an international automotive giant, known for its quality, reliability, and affordability.

Early Years: From Bicycles to Cars

Skoda’s roots trace back to Laurin & Klement's production of bicycles, followed by motorcycles, before they ventured into automobile manufacturing. The Voiturette A, launched in 1905, was the first car built by the company, and it quickly garnered attention for its solid engineering and value for money. By the 1920s, Laurin & Klement had already established a reputation for quality and innovation, producing a variety of models, including larger family cars and luxury sedans.

In 1925, Laurin & Klement merged with Skoda Works, a well-established industrial company. This partnership allowed Škoda to expand its manufacturing capabilities, positioning itself as a major player in the Czech automotive industry.

1930s-1940s: Expansion and Challenges

In the 1930s, Skoda expanded its model range and introduced some of its most innovative designs, including the Škoda Popular, a compact car that became highly successful in Europe. The company also made significant strides in engineering, offering advanced features like independent suspension and more powerful engines in their cars.

However, World War II brought a halt to much of Skoda’s civilian production, as the company shifted to making military equipment during the war. After the conflict, Skoda faced the challenges of rebuilding its manufacturing facilities and regaining its position in the civilian car market.

1950s-1970s: Innovation and New Models

Following the war, Skoda, under state ownership, returned to car production and introduced the Skoda Octavia in the 1950s. This model, notable for its modern design and reliability, became an instant success and cemented Skoda’s reputation in Central Europe. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, Skoda focused on producing compact, practical vehicles like the Skoda 1000 MB and the Skoda 120, both of which were popular in the Eastern Bloc and other parts of Europe.

The company’s cars became known for their durability and low maintenance costs, making them particularly popular with families and individuals seeking affordable transportation options.

1980s-1990s: Ties with Volkswagen and Modernization

In the 1980s and 1990s, Skoda faced increasing competition and began seeking modernization. In 1991, the company entered into a significant partnership with the Volkswagen Group, marking a new chapter for Skoda. With this alliance, Skoda gained access to advanced technology, engineering expertise, and international markets.

The first major product of this partnership was the Skoda Felicia in the early 1990s, which featured modern design elements and improved performance. This marked the beginning of Skoda’s transformation into a global player, offering cars that were more reliable, stylish, and technologically advanced.

In the mid-1990s, Skoda’s new models, including the Octavia and Superb, became successful across Europe and further strengthened the brand’s image. The Octavia, in particular, was a game-changer, offering high-quality engineering at an affordable price and becoming one of the brand's most iconic models.

2000s: Global Expansion and New Models

In the early 2000s, Skoda underwent a full transformation, offering a wide range of vehicles that appealed to both European and international markets. The Škoda Superb, launched in 2001, established the brand as a leader in the premium sedan segment, combining luxury with affordability.

Skoda’s model lineup expanded with the introduction of the Fabia, a compact car that became a best-seller across Europe due to its practicality, reliability, and value. Skoda also launched the Yeti, a compact SUV that quickly gained popularity for its versatile design and off-road capabilities.

The company's partnership with Volkswagen paid off as Skoda cars began to share platforms and technologies with other Volkswagen Group brands, allowing for greater efficiency in production and improved vehicle quality.

2010s: A Focus on Modern Design and Innovation

In the 2010s, Skoda embraced modern design and new technologies, launching several new models aimed at capturing global markets. The Skoda Rapid and Skoda Octavia were updated with fresh designs, improved performance, and more advanced features.

Skoda also began focusing more on electric mobility, with plans to expand its electric vehicle (EV) lineup. The Enyaq iV, an all-electric SUV, was launched in 2020 as part of the company's push toward a sustainable future. This model, based on the Volkswagen Group's MEB platform, combines Skoda’s expertise in practicality with modern electric technology.
The company also expanded its presence in emerging markets like India, where it introduced models such as the Kushaq and Slavia, aimed at appealing to younger, urban customers.

2020s: Sustainability and Innovation

Skoda continues to push forward into the future with a focus on sustainability, electric mobility, and digital innovation. The brand’s commitment to reducing emissions is reflected in its expanded electric vehicle portfolio and its continued development of hybrid and electric powertrains.

Skoda is also embracing autonomous driving technology, with plans to integrate more connected features into its cars, ensuring a seamless and modern driving experience for its customers.

Skoda in India

Skoda first entered the Indian market in 2001 and has since become known for offering premium cars that combine European design with practical features. Models like the Skoda Superb and Skoda Octavia gained popularity among Indian customers looking for luxury cars at competitive prices.

In recent years, Skoda has refocused on India with the launch of the Kushaq, a compact SUV, and the Skoda Slavia, a sedan, both of which are built on the Volkswagen Group's MQB A0-IN platform and designed specifically for the Indian market. The company aims to offer high-quality, feature-packed vehicles that appeal to a broad range of Indian customers.

Skoda Auto has come a long way since its early days as a bicycle manufacturer. Through decades of innovation, strategic partnerships, and a commitment to quality, Škoda has become a global automotive leader, offering a diverse range of vehicles that cater to various markets and customer needs. Whether it’s their iconic sedans, compact cars, or cutting-edge electric vehicles, Skoda’s cars are known for their reliability, practicality, and modern design. With a vision for a sustainable future, Skoda is poised to continue leading the way in the automotive world for years to come.

Skoda India Latest Update

Skoda Sales in India: In November 2024, Skoda India sold 2,886 units which is 23.7% less than the previous year of the same month. On MoM, the sales has been declined by 29.2%. 

Skoda Auto India has recently launched its much-anticipated sub-4m SUV, the Kylaq. The Kylaq range includes four trims: Classic, Signature, Signature+, and Prestige, with prices starting at INR 7.89 lakh and going up to INR 14.40 lakh.

Skoda Brand USP

Skoda's Unique Selling Proposition (USP) lies in its commitment to providing performance-oriented, fun, and enthusiast-driven cars. The brand is known for its luxurious vehicles that offer high performance and advanced technology at competitive prices. Skoda cars are designed to deliver a premium driving experience with features that often rival those of more expensive luxury brands.

Skoda Cars Price Range

Skoda offers a range of vehicles in India, catering to different segments and price points. The price of Skoda cars in India starts at around INR 7.89 lakh for the Kylaq and goes up to INR 54 lakh for the Superb. This wide price range ensures that there is a Skoda vehicle for every budget and requirement.

Skoda Car Dealers

Skoda has an extensive network of dealers across India, ensuring that customers have easy access to their vehicles and services. In New Delhi alone, there are multiple Skoda showrooms, including Aryaveer Motors in East of Kailash, Jai Auto Vehicles in Safdarjung Enclave, and Ring Road Motocorp in Paschim Vihar.

Skoda Service Centres

Skoda also boasts a robust network of service centres to ensure that their customers receive top-notch after-sales support. In New Delhi, for example, there are several authorized Skoda service centres, such as Aryaveer Motors in Moti Nagar and Jai Auto Vehicles in Mathura Road. These service centres are equipped with trained technicians and genuine Skoda parts to provide the best care for Skoda vehicles

स्कोडा कारों के बारे में अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न

स्कोडा कारों की कीमत सीमा 7.89 लाख से 10.89 लाख के बीच है।

भारत में सबसे सस्ती स्कोडा कार कायलाक है, जिसकी कीमत 7.89 लाख है।

भारत में सबसे प्रीमियम स्कोडा कार कुशाक है, जिसकी कीमत 10.89 लाख है।
