Maruti Grand Vitara Petrol, CNG and Hybrid (Electric + Petrol) Mileage
Check out the mileage comparison for Maruti Grand Vitara in all fuel
types like -
Petrol, CNG, Hybrid (Electric + Petrol)
. Keep in mind that mileage can vary for the single fuel types
as well depending on the transmission whether it’s manual or
Maruti Grand Vitara mileage varies from
kmpl to
27.97 kmpl.
- The Hybrid (Electric + Petrol) variant mileage for the Automatic (e transmission offers 27.97 kmpl.
- The CNG variant mileage for the Manual transmission offers 26.6 kmpl.
- The Petrol variant mileage for the Manual transmission offers 21.11 kmpl.
- The Petrol variant mileage for the Automatic (TC) transmission offers 20.58 kmpl.