The Kawasaki KX Series series, produced by Kawasaki in India, is a popular lineup of Adventure bikes. The series includes 4 models, with prices starting at ₹3.12 Lakh.
The base model Kawasaki KX65, features a 64 cc engine delivering of power. The top model Kawasaki KX 450 is equipped with a 449 cc engine generating 52.2 hp at 9500 rpm of power, making it the most powerful and expensive model in the series.Kawasaki KX Series Price List (January 2025) in India
Kawasaki KX Series Models | PRICE |
Kawasaki KX 250 | ₹7.99 Lakh |
Kawasaki KX 450 | ₹8.59 Lakh |
Kawasaki KX65 | ₹3.12 Lakh |
Kawasaki KX112 | ₹4.88 Lakh |