
Honda Shine Mileage

Welcome to the Honda Shine Mileage page, here we have all the information related to mileage from ARAI claimed mileage by the brand to the actual users who have reported mileage after using this bike in daily life. On top of that you can check out the mileage given by the industry experts after testing.

Honda Shine comes with 10.5 L fuel tank capacity that gives the mileage of 55 Kmpl.

Shine Mileage

The ARAI claimed Honda Shine mileage is 55 Kmpl. But the users of Shine reported the real life mileage of 54 Kmpl and from the experts' experience of this bike they have reported 55 Kmpl.

ARAI mileage
The Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) ensures car emission standards, offering mileage testing, certification services in India.
User reported mileage
Users have provided the mileage to CarBike360 the average mileage they have received for Honda Shine bike.
Expert reported mileage
This is reported by CarBike360 experts and panelists when they have done the test drive of the bike.

Mileage of Honda Shine Competitors

Pulsar N125 Bajaj
Pulsar N125 Bajaj
58 Kmpl
94,707 (Onwards)
Pulsar N125 MileageShine V/s Pulsar N125
Glamour Hero
Glamour Hero
55 Kmpl
82,598 (Onwards)
Glamour MileageShine V/s Glamour
Freedom 125 Bajaj
Freedom 125 Bajaj
65 Kmpl
95,000 (Onwards)
Freedom 125 MileageShine V/s Freedom 125
Xtreme 125R Hero
Xtreme 125R Hero
66 Kmpl
95,000 (Onwards)
Xtreme 125R MileageShine V/s Xtreme 125R
Super Splendor XTEC Hero
Super Splendor XTEC Hero
68 Kmpl
85,178 (Onwards)
Super Splendor XTEC MileageShine V/s Super Splendor XTEC
Pulsar N150 Bajaj
Pulsar N150 Bajaj
48.5 Kmpl
1.18 Lakh (Onwards)
Pulsar N150 MileageShine V/s Pulsar N150

Fuel Cost Calculator

Here you can check the cost of running your Honda Shine in a month.

Cost to Drive Shine

Monthly estimates assuming the vehicle
is driven 25 days a month!

2,154 per month

Fuel Pump
Honda Shine

Honda Shine


EMI Starts from ₹1,538

Download Honda Shine brochure


Download Shine PDF brochure to find out detailed specs, features, colours etc.

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FAQs on Honda Shine Mileage

The ARAI claimed mileage of the Honda Shine is 55 Kmpl.

The real life mileage of the Honda Shine is 54 Kmpl.