The Bajaj Platina Series series, produced by Bajaj in India, is a popular lineup of Commuter bikes. The series includes 2 models, with prices starting at ₹68,685.
The base model Bajaj Platina 100, features a 102 cc engine delivering 7.9 PS @ 7500 rpm of power. The top model Bajaj Platina 110 is equipped with a 116 cc engine generating 8.6 PS @ 7000 rpm of power, making it the most powerful and expensive model in the series.Bajaj Platina Series Price List (December 2024) in India
Bajaj Platina Series Models | PRICE |
Bajaj Platina 110 | ₹71,354 |
Bajaj Platina 100 | ₹68,685 |