Welcome to the Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono Mileage page, here we have all the information related to mileage from ARAI claimed mileage by the brand to the actual users who have reported mileage after using this bike in daily life. On top of that you can check out the mileage given by the industry experts after testing.
Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono comes with 12 L fuel tank capacity that gives the mileage of 20.8 Kmpl.
Hypermotard 698 Mono Mileage
The ARAI claimed Ducati Hypermotard 698 Mono mileage is 20.8 Kmpl. But the users of Hypermotard 698 Mono reported the real life mileage of 19 Kmpl and from the experts' experience of this bike they have reported 19 Kmpl.