The Importance of Wheel Alignment and Balancing

By Robin Kumar Attri


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Wheel alignment & balancing are crucial for even tire wear, better handling, & a smoother ride. Do it every 5,000-6,000 miles for vehicle health.

The vehicle that you own is a complex system with many inter-dependent parts. In case any part is damaged then it’s only a matter of time before the issue starts to affect the other connected parts too and may cause some serious malfunctions. Incorrect wheel alignment and balancing is one such issue that may cause serious problems during the operation of your car by damaging the suspension and affecting the health of the tyre.

Wheel Alignment Vs Balancing

| Services | Definition | Sign’s that its time | Benefits ||------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Wheel Alignment | In the wheel alignment the angles of the wheels are corrected so that the wheels can meet the road in the right way. | In case the vehicle is pulled to one side, rapid wearing of tyres, squealing of tyres, or crooked steering wheel when driving straight. | The proper alignment ensures that the ride is smoother for you and your tyres have longer life. || Balancing | The wheel balancing is used for correcting the weight imbalance on your tyres and the assembling of the wheel. | The uneven wearing of the tyres and the vibration in your steering wheel, floorboard or seat. | The proper balancing can lead in a smoother ride, as the tyres wear less, and there is a reduced strain on the drivetrain. |

Wheel Alignment

Wheel alignment is also known as tyre alignment, and it can help your wheel to perform properly and help it last for a little longer. It also improves the handling and keeps your vehicle from pulling in one direction only or vibrating strangely when on the road.

What is wheel alignment?

Alignment or wheel alignment refers to the adjustment of the suspension of the vehicle, which is the system connecting the wheels to the vehicle. It’s not an adjustment of the tyres or wheels themselves, the key for proper alignment is adjusting the angles at which the wheels or tyres are positioned to make contact with the road. The mechanic or technician checks the following three things when adjusting the wheels,

How would I know if I need tyre or wheel alignment?

There are some ways that may tell you if your car needs a tyre alignment. In case you have noticed any one or more than one of these following mentioned indicators below then you should have your alignment checked by a licensed service technician at once.

What is wheel Balancing?

Wheel balancing and wheel alignment are often confused, but they are not the same. Wheel balancing is necessary for smooth driving, stability, and safety of car tyres. It compensates for weight imbalances in the wheel and tyre combo. Modern wheel balancer machines can calculate both dynamic and static balance simultaneously. Tyre balancing corrects uneven distribution of weight in the wheels, preventing vibration, excessive tyre wear, and suspension damage. During a tyre balance service, tyres and wheels are mounted onto a machine to measure imbalance and install correct tyre weights. Wheel balancing and alignment should not be confused as same even if they are done together.

When should the wheel balancing be done?

Many of the technicians agree that getting your tyres balanced every 5000 to 6000 miles can help you to extend the lifespan of the tyres and improve their performances. While on the other hand, wheel alignment benefits include the improved handling of the vehicles, efficiency of the fuel, and improves the lifespan of the tyres.

What are the signs that tell it’s time your wheels need balancing?

Wheel balancing is crucial for maintaining a balanced vehicle. As uneven tyre wears out and the vibration in the steering wheel, floorboard, or seat indicates that there is a need for balancing the wheels. Balancing may be done during the rotation of the wheel, flat tyre repair, or scheduled maintenance. The trembling parts in the steering wheel indicate that the front tyre is imbalance, while the seats indicate that there is an imbalance in back wheels. Tyre or wheel imbalances can occur due to uneven tyre wear, wheel weight loss, or flat spots from prolonged parking.

How does balancing and alignment benefit your car?

One of the most significant benefits of balancing services is that they prevent premature tyre tread wear. The technicians also agree that getting your tyres balanced after every 5000 – 6000 miles can help in extending the tyres lifespan and also improve their performances also.

Wheel alignment is also beneficial as it improves the handling of the vehicle, its fuel efficiency, and the tyres lifespan. Many of the automotives recommend that you should have your vehicle’s alignment checked for every 6000 miles or twice a year. If alignment issues are left unattended or untreated then it can shorten the lifespan of the tyres by thousands of miles, and there can also be critical damage to the steering and the suspension components.

Benefits of Regular Wheel Alignment and Balancing

Regular wheel alignment and balancing are essential practices of maintenance that offer numerous benefits for your vehicle and improve your driving experience. Below are some of the key advantages of keeping your wheels perfectly balanced and aligned:


Finally, it can be said that wheel alignment and wheel balancing both are important maintenance services for ensuring the safe and smooth performance of the vehicle. Wheel alignment is the process of adjusting angles of the tyres and the suspension components for ensuring that the tyres are perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other. While wheel balancing is the process of ensuring that the weight of the tyres and the wheel assembled is evenly distributed. Both services are important for maximizing the lifespan of the tyres, improving the efficiency of the fuel, and for reducing the vibrations.