The Impact of the PLI Scheme on India’s Auto Sector

By Shagun Kaushik


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Discover the transformative impact of the PLI Scheme on India's automobile industry, focusing on job creation, innovation, and electric vehicle growth.

The Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme, introduced by the Indian government, is a vital initiative aimed at enhancing the manufacturing landscape of the country, particularly within the automobile sector. Launched on September 15, 2021, with a significant budget of ₹25,938 crore allocated over five years, the scheme aligns closely with the broader "Make in India" initiative.

This initiative strives to promote local manufacturing, boost job creation, and position India as a formidable player in the global market. The PLI Scheme specifically focuses on Advanced Automotive Technology (AAT) products, with a strong emphasis on zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) such as battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

What is the PLI Scheme?

The PLI Scheme is a government initiative designed to incentivize domestic production by offering financial rewards to manufacturers based on their output levels. The primary goal is to enhance India's manufacturing capabilities and competitiveness across various sectors, with a particular focus on advanced technologies in the automotive space. The scheme encourages investments in modern production facilities, research and development, and technology upgrades.

Under this scheme, manufacturers can receive incentives based on their incremental sales of specified products, thereby motivating them to increase production. The incentives apply for a period spanning from FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27, with payments made in subsequent fiscal years. This phased approach allows companies to plan their investments strategically while ensuring that the government can track and assess the scheme’s impact effectively.

How and When the PLI Scheme Started?

The PLI Scheme was conceived during a challenging economic period marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Indian government recognized the need to revitalize the economy and stimulate manufacturing activities to create jobs and attract foreign investment. The launch of the PLI Scheme was a key part of this strategy, complementing the "Make in India" campaign initiated in 2014.

The Make in India initiative aims to transform India into a global manufacturing hub, promoting investment and encouraging innovation. The PLI Scheme specifically targets sectors deemed critical for the country’s economic growth, including the automobile sector, which has historically been a cornerstone of the Indian economy. The approval of the PLI-Auto Scheme signifies the government's commitment to developing the automotive industry as a major driver of economic growth.

The PLI Scheme’s incentives are designed not only to stimulate production but also to facilitate deep localization of manufacturing processes. This means that the focus is on sourcing components and materials locally, thereby strengthening the domestic supply chain and reducing dependence on imports.

Importance of the PLI Scheme for the Automobile Industry

The PLI Scheme plays a pivotal role in the growth and development of the Indian automobile industry for several reasons:

Job Creation in the Automotive Industry: The PLI Scheme's Promises and Challenges

One of the most significant promises of the PLI Scheme is its potential to create jobs in the automotive sector. The scheme is expected to have a multi-faceted impact on employment:

Direct Job Creation: As manufacturers ramp up production in response to the incentives provided by the PLI Scheme, direct job opportunities in assembly, production, and quality control are likely to increase significantly. This is crucial for an industry that employs millions of people across the country.

Indirect Job Creation: The benefits of the PLI Scheme will also extend to ancillary industries, including parts manufacturing, logistics, and sales. The ripple effect of job creation will bolster local economies and improve livelihoods in many regions.

Projected Growth in Electric Vehicles: The electric vehicle (EV) sector alone is projected to generate around 5 crore jobs by 2030. This represents a substantial opportunity for the Indian workforce, particularly in sectors related to EV manufacturing and charging infrastructure.

However, realizing these employment promises comes with challenges. One of the primary concerns is the need for skill development to ensure that the workforce is adequately prepared for the new technologies being adopted in the industry. The shift towards electric vehicles and advanced automotive technologies will require a skilled workforce capable of operating and maintaining these new systems.

Furthermore, bridging the skill gap will be critical for meeting production targets and maintaining high-quality standards. This necessitates collaboration between government, industry stakeholders, and educational institutions to develop training programs that align with the evolving needs of the sector.

Challenges Faced by Auto Companies in Leveraging the PLI Scheme

While the PLI Scheme offers numerous opportunities, auto companies must navigate several challenges in leveraging its benefits effectively:

Investment Requirements: The initial capital investment required to upgrade manufacturing capabilities and technologies can be substantial. Smaller companies may find it particularly challenging to meet these financial demands.

Regulatory Compliance: The complex regulatory landscape in India can pose challenges, particularly for foreign companies seeking to enter the market. Compliance with local laws and regulations is essential but can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.

Competitive Pressure: The automotive industry is becoming increasingly competitive, with manufacturers from across the globe vying for market share. To remain competitive, Indian manufacturers must continually innovate and adapt to changing market conditions.

Supply Chain Vulnerabilities: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted vulnerabilities in global supply chains, emphasizing the need for resilience. Companies must develop robust supply chains that can withstand potential disruptions, such as raw material shortages or logistical challenges.

Technological Transition: The shift towards electric vehicles and advanced technologies requires significant investment in research and development. Companies need to ensure they are at the forefront of innovation to capitalize on emerging opportunities.

How the PLI Scheme is Accelerating Electric Vehicle Adoption in India?

A key focus of the PLI Scheme is to promote zero-emission vehicles, aligning with India’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions. The government has set ambitious targets, aiming for 30% of new vehicle sales to be electric by 2030. This commitment is not only a response to climate change but also a strategic move to position India as a leader in the global electric vehicle market.

Market Potential for Electric Vehicles: The global electric vehicle market was valued at approximately $250 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow to around $1,318 billion by 2028. India's focus on EV production places it in a prime position to capture a share of this rapidly expanding market.

Investment Opportunities: India is on track to become the largest EV market by 2030, with total investment opportunities exceeding $200 billion over the next 8-10 years. This environment encourages auto manufacturers to invest heavily in electric vehicle technologies, infrastructure, and production facilities.

Sales Growth in Electric Vehicles: The growth of electric vehicle sales in India is evident, with the sale of 1,325,112 EVs recorded in FY 2024. This increasing acceptance of EVs among consumers reflects the positive impact of government initiatives, including the PLI Scheme.

Support for Charging Infrastructure: To facilitate the adoption of electric vehicles, the PLI Scheme also indirectly supports the development of charging infrastructure, which is crucial for consumer confidence in EVs. Initiatives to establish widespread charging networks will complement the production efforts of manufacturers.

How PLI is Driving Innovation in the Indian Automotive Sector?

Innovation is a cornerstone of the automotive industry's growth, and the PLI Scheme plays a crucial role in fostering it. By providing financial incentives, the scheme encourages manufacturers to invest in research and development, leading to:

Technological Advancements: Companies are motivated to develop new technologies, particularly in electric mobility and advanced automotive components, which will enhance their product offerings and competitive edge.

Collaborative Efforts: The PLI Scheme promotes partnerships between the government and industry stakeholders, facilitating knowledge sharing and collaboration on innovative solutions.

Emergence of Startups: The supportive ecosystem created by the PLI Scheme encourages the emergence of startups in the electric vehicle and automotive technology space. These startups can drive innovation and bring fresh ideas to the market, contributing to a vibrant automotive industry.

Focus on Sustainability: The PLI Scheme's emphasis on zero-emission vehicles fosters innovation in sustainable technologies. Manufacturers are incentivized to explore alternative fuels and energy-efficient technologies, aligning with global sustainability goals.

Importance of the PLI Scheme for the Overall Growth of the Indian Automobile Industry

The PLI Scheme is integral to the overall growth trajectory of the Indian automobile industry for several reasons:

Economic Contribution: By enhancing manufacturing capabilities and increasing exports, the PLI Scheme contributes significantly to India's GDP, supporting broader economic stability.

Global Competitiveness: Improved manufacturing capabilities and innovative solutions enable Indian manufacturers to compete effectively in global markets, attracting further investments and partnerships.

Sustainability Goals: The scheme's emphasis on electric vehicles aligns with India’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable transportation solutions.

Long-Term Vision: The PLI Scheme complements initiatives such as the Automotive Mission Plan 2016-26, which outlines a roadmap for the development of the automotive industry. This synergy ensures that the sector remains on a path of sustainable growth and innovation.

Resilience and Recovery: The PLI Scheme helps to build resilience in the automotive sector, allowing it to recover from challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic. By investing in local manufacturing and technology, the industry can better withstand future disruptions.

Recent Investments and Developments

The PLI Scheme has catalyzed significant investments in the automotive sector:

Initiatives of Government

In addition to the PLI Scheme, the government has introduced several initiatives to support the automotive sector:

Electric Mobility Promotion Scheme 2024: Launched to accelerate EV adoption with a total outlay of Rs. 500 crore for four months (April 1, 2024, to July 31, 2024).

Extension of PLI Scheme: In January 2024, the Ministry of Heavy Industries extended the tenure of the PLI Scheme for Automobile and Auto Components by one year, until March 31, 2028.

FDI Policy: The government allows 100% FDI under the automatic route in the automobile sector.

In conclusion, the PLI Scheme represents a transformative initiative for India's automotive sector. By promoting local manufacturing, driving innovation, and creating jobs, it lays the foundation for a more competitive and sustainable industry. As India continues to position itself as a global manufacturing hub, the PLI Scheme will be instrumental in shaping the future of the automotive industry, ensuring that it meets both domestic and international demands.