March 1st: New Motor Vehicle Rule 10X Fine

By Mahek Maheshwari


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Watch Out: Traffic restrictions have become more stringent, and breaking them will cost you a lot.

Due to an increase in daily traffic accidents, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) announced sudden changes to road safety fines that are ten times more than the previous ones, which are supposedly required to ensure everyone's safety when they walk on the road. To reduce traffic rule violations, the government had to take decisive action. The younger generation has begun to disregard traffic laws, and as a result, they will eventually have to deal with serious repercussions that may compromise road safety.

The following stringent regulations have been put in place for road offenders, and those who disobey them will face severe penalties, including huge fines, jail time, and community service. Let's find out what the new fines are and how people need now to be ready before lending money for such offenses.

Understand the traffic offense and the revised penalties based on the categories:

Based on the Driving of 2-wheelers or 4-wheelers-

1. Drunken Driving—

It is the most frequent breach of traffic laws, and significant incidents of drunk driving accidents are reported.

However, driving while intoxicated or under the influence

₹10,000 fine and a potential 6-month jail sentence.

If you commit the same offence again

₹15,000 or imprisoned for 2 years

Previously, it was only ₹1000–₹1500. Therefore, start following driving laws to save your life or money.

If you’re driving without putting on seat belt

fined ₹1000

or if you’re riding without helmet

₹1000 with that, your license will get suspended for about 3 months.

Earlier it was ₹100 in both cases.

2. No Fasten Seat belt / No Helmet—

If you’re driving without putting on seat belt

fined ₹1000

or if you’re riding without helmet

₹1000 with that, your license will get suspended for about 3 months.

Earlier it was ₹100 in both cases.

3. Using a mobile phone while driving—

So using a phone while driving becomes the trend now; this trend will cost you a lot.

If you use your phone while driving

You’ll be fined from ₹500 now to ₹5000

4. Dangerous Driving-

Those who believe in rash driving and believe in this phrase, “SPEED Thrills” should also remember “Speed kills.”

Dangerous Driving or Rash Driving

Now you’ll be fined ₹5000; earlier you will be saved by paying ₹500 only.

5. Driving against the authorized flow of traffic/Wrong side driving/overtaking other vehicles-

Sudden overtakes or wrong side driving

Now you’ll be fined ₹500 or ₹1000

6. Driving in NMV lanes/No entry/One-way roads—

Driving in such areas not only violates the traffic rules but also increases the risk of safety.

Driving in Non-Motorised Vehicle Lane

You’ll be fined ₹20,000; earlier it was ₹200

Driving/riding in one way roads/no-entry areas

Fined would be ₹5000 from ₹200

7. Triple riding on two-wheelers—

If you’re tripling or riding with more than two people on 2-wheelers, you will be fined extensively.

Tripling or riding with more than 2 people on single 2-wheelers

Fined of ₹1000; later was ₹100

8. In case of defective, fancy, not displaying number plate, or Illegal number plate-

As per the Motor Vehicle Rule, 1989, Bharat vehicles have their fixed font size and style. If you breach that rule, you will be fined.

Use of Defective, Fancy or Illegal number plate

₹5000 will be charged

9. Misbehavior with Police Officer/Refusal or giving false Information—

Misbehave with Police officer and misleading them

₹2000 penalty

10. Driving without PUCC (Pollution Under Control Certificate)/license/insurance & RC—

Driving without a PUCC certificate is a legal offense in India. This certificate is mandatory for every vehicle to keep the pollution in check. Similarly, without other important documents like a license, RC, and insurance, you will be charged heavily.

Driving without PUCC

₹10,000 to be fined or 6months prison and community service; later on it was ₹2000

Driving without RC, Licence

₹5000 will be fined

Driving without Insurance

₹2000 will be fined

11.  Jumping red light/signal violation—

This is also the most common traffic rule breach. Everyone is in such a hurry to reach their respective spot no matter how. But now you have to keep patience; otherwise, pay the price for it.

Jumping red light/signal violation

₹500 penalty

12. Offences made by Juveniles (below 18 years) -

If you are found to be driving when under the age of 18, you will not only be punished but also imprisoned for 3 years. Additionally, your vehicle registration will be cancelled for a year, and you will not be able to obtain a driving license until you are 25.

Offences made by Juveniles (below 18 years)

₹25000 penalty; 3 years of imprisonment; cancellation of vehicle registration for 1 year; ban on driving licence until the age of 25 years

Also read: Best Mileage & Budget Friendly Cars You Can Buy In India

Carbike360 Says,

These are the updated penalties for traffic rules breaches. Since the traffic authorities have become rigorous, no leniency will be served, and appropriate action will be taken. It would be wiser to begin adhering to traffic laws, as they are in place solely for our protection and to lower the number of accidents that occur on the roads. Be a law abiding citizen Drive safely and think of yourself as well as others' before stepping out from home.